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Dissociative identity disorder

A diagnosis that a psychiatrist or therapist gives to a patient. It basically states that the personality is fractured into several distinct parts that behave differently from the original personality. It was once known as multiple personality disorder but psychiatrists changed the term to dissociative identity disorder because they realized they had no clue what they were doing and had to come up with something new and exciting since they were getting paid. Mental health professionals give this diagnosis so they can feel important and special since this disorder is glamorized in the movies. The patient unconsciously wants to please the therapist and read up on the symptoms to present to them. Both therapist and patient feed off each other. Often the patient will get the blame as attention seeking when really it's the therapist that's at fault but gets off the hook because they are the professionals. You will find all patients that enter therapy never had a clue they had the disorder until the therapist told them. It is a therapy induced disorder and will disappear once the patient leaves therapy. But it will reemerge once the patient returns. Plain and simple. From that point forward patients will be confused when something bad happens to them because they will think one of their personalities did it. They will lose all sense of who they are.

Since Julie was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder her life has been in ruins because she has lost her sense of identity.

by maggie0285 August 31, 2019

2👍 44👎

Dissociative Facebook Identity Disorder

A common disorder where a person displays multiple personalities: One in person, and one on Facebook.

Kevin: "Damn, have you met that girl I work with L'fondra?"
George: "Yeah, shes a weirdo in person, but she acts all cool on Facebook. She must have Dissociative Facebook Identity Disorder."

by BeauFIDAWG June 14, 2011

5580👍 3150👎

sexual dissociative identity disorder

Sexual disassociated identity disorder is when someone sexual personality chooses to have sexual relations with person place
Or thing

This also relates to sexual abuse

Ricky suffered from sexual dissociative identity disorder.

by rafael e Reyes January 12, 2019

1👍 2👎