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The DogFish

When you do your girl in doggy while your ice fishing and your jigging at the same time, and you catch a fish and when you reel it up and slap her with the fish making you both cum

I was in the ice shack with my girlfriend doing the DogFish and we both came so hard!

by Dakota2105 February 21, 2022

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To be fooled by a male's online profile

Matt was dogfished when he thought the man he met online was actually a 28 year old body builder.

by ms. lolita February 9, 2015

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This is the definition of a collective group of people intertwined by having a relationship with a specific man. no one else knows they are a part of this dating polygamy act. He is a mix of a catfish and a straight up sociopath dog and hooks multiple women in his game. He lives a life of lies making these women all think they are number 1. He tags fb posts of one girl but then untags and deactivates accounts so others can't see. He will provide flowers, for some, but not all, hold doors and buy Mac computers for some but not all. He will tell you he has proposed to past girls but then they cheated. He will use his kids and multiple jobs as an excuse for why you never see him. You will never go to his place even after a year. You will never meet his mom, family, friends and kids even though he says they want to meet you. He will make up she's just a friend story to his other girls: For example telling one girl that he went to college with another girl and was in a tight group with her and 2 gay guys it wasn't true.

He will lie at all costs to keep his school of fish! Please Beware of the dogfish!

That asshole Tennessee aka Tj turned out to be a real dogfish!

by Ebizzle82 March 2, 2016

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A dog that smells like it could be part fish.

My dog is so stinky she smells like a dogfish.

by Shitdinger August 6, 2008

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Is when something eats period blood off tampons and pads.

Oi you here about Jonny?

Yeah I heard he’s a bit of a dogfish

by Coonknees November 7, 2018

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When you go out with a girl and she ugly AF without that snapchat dog filter.

Bruh I met this Bitty on Gram the other day. DMed her, met her at the club. Girl was a butterface without that dog filter. SMH dogfished again

by PepeHernandez August 23, 2016

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When your trying your hardest to be someone you are not but still end up looking ugly asf

Boy: come look at yo pic
Girl: why what's wrong with it
Boy: is u a catfish or sum
Girl: I tried to be
Boy: bruh that look like a dogfish murrafuggah!

by Thatgenius40 July 1, 2020

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