A nigga who thinks hes smart but hes hella dumb.
fucking dopy doak
4👍 4👎
Somebody that is fucking stupid and retarded
Dont go close to one you Will get autism
Tyhmä dopi ass
Retarded and autistic
Dont go close you Will get autism and brain canser
Tyhmä dopi ass
Describes someone fucking around being annoying. Dopy meaning stupid and bastard directed it at the certain person.
Wiremu stop being a bloody dopy bastard and grab me the hammer.
A adjective used for someone who is obnoxious and annoying
Have you seen Jeff he is such a dopis.
Dopie, pronounced (doe-pee) means “not good” or “bad” used as describing and a noun.
Guy-“How do you like the food?”
Other guy-“oh it’s dopie!”
Ben: hey I’m going to the football game if you wanna come with
James: that’s dopie but I have too much homework