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Dopple drunk

Someone who looks like you and is you
But they say and do things when you are drunk
And you can’t remember

Last night you where acting crazy dancing all over that bar. What? I don’t remember that must have been my dopple drunk

by Yeti Vendetti May 2, 2021


The counteraction of a Diddle (see Diddle)

Johnny pulled a dopple manuver on Mr.Sessions

by Boomer Hughes February 5, 2005

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dopple gopper

the space in between ur nuts and ur ass

dude my dopple gopper is itchy as hell

by mike March 2, 2005

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dopple ass

A person who is clumsy, trips/falls a lot, uncoordinated with simple actions and activities. Usually small children or someone intoxicated.

You dopple ass!! you just tripped and spilled your drink everywhere, again!

Jeez kid, first day with new feet? Ya dopple ass!

by Kepmiester November 30, 2020

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oke doke dopple gangers coke


I want to befriend a little duckie
oke doke dopple gangers coke

- made by zora???

by Zzz8666 February 16, 2021


scottish slag known for having an unusual appreciation for monkeys.

Dopple: "Monki"
me: Shut up Dopple

by Cumboy420 August 11, 2021


Shortened version of doppleganger.

When two people (typically unrelated) look alike.

Was that Chris?
Naw he's got a dopple, they look almost identical.

by Zozie November 20, 2020