A game where people insult each other first one to get F-cking mad loses
Example of the dozens
Sam-I fucked your mom
John- I fucked your sister and your mom
John-haha bitch you lose
32đź‘Ť 5đź‘Ž
A person, usually kpop idol who has no skills nor talent. Most of the time being someone who has gotten carried by their looks alone.
You know Mario? He just debuted but he dozen sing, dozen dance, dozen rap!
The mf in nct who did not certainly raise the roof
Nctzen: omg who is that dancing off beat
Nctzen 2: oh that’s dozen and he’s obviously not raising the roof
41đź‘Ť 8đź‘Ž
Contest involving exchanged insults, often directed at other contestant's momma.
Two different origins for the name "dozens" are hypothesized: (1) that the term comes from the losing throw of 12 in craps, or (2) that it comes from the practice of selling retarded or damaged slaves "by the dozen" at slave auctions.
Woe to the fool who played dozens with Willie, only to walk away after hearing "your momma so poor, her face on food stamps."
63đź‘Ť 30đź‘Ž
Abbreviation of “doesn’t” used by kpop stans to describe an idol that doesn’t do anything in their group.
Doesn’t sing, Doesn’t rap, Doesn’t dance
“Worry about your fav being a dozen!”
someone who dozen know how to dance, sing, rap or do anything entertainment worthy in a kpop group
"omg that dozen might join nct again...!"
"oh, you mean lucas..."
9đź‘Ť 6đź‘Ž