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Dumb bitch syndrome

Gold diggin' chicks with no respect for you or your relationship. They tend to suffer from "I'm all that," syndrome too. These types will use their sexin to suck you dry of brains and goal gains fellas.
No money no honey
You broke ass Mo' Fo'

min man
short man
Dumb ass
triflin nig'
Retard short rider
You don't do shit for me
You won't make it
Who's that bitch?
I saw you eying her down you cheatin Lo' you better watch what you do if you want me.
When the word "You" is spoken first it is a very selfish method of minipulating a situation to suite her own wants.

Woman: Yo' guys if your woman says any of these catch phrases to you in a day. She's using dumb bitch syndrome language.

by AlphDeltaWomanW/<3 December 31, 2010

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Dumb bitch syndrome

Just being a person doing dumb shit, generally named Sara

Wow she has a bad case of dumb bitch syndrome

by Fuckyochickenstrips- March 10, 2019

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dumb bitch syndrome

When someone is literally so fucking stupid they have a medical condition that makes them irregularly stupid: much like saying: ''That isn't your average everyday stupid. This is advanced stupid.''
Often seen in infants, women who can't drive, Asians who aren't good at math, and niggas. (notice how it's not the hard e-r)

''That bitch got dumb bitch syndrome.''

by dumbbitchsyndrome December 3, 2019

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Dumb bitch syndrome

18 October is the day that we celebrate dumb bitch syndrome, also known as DBS!
It is the day we spread awareness about dumb bitches.
To celebrate, we snatch a dumb bitches weave!

Iโ€™m proud to have dumb bitch syndrome!

by Georgiehin April 22, 2020

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dumb bitch syndrome

D.B.S is taking over the world, you won't find it in hospitals but to be only found in the streets

Amani: bitch did you see that nigga he's fine damn I'm tryna lock him down

sha'quanda: bitch he has like 3 baby mamas

Amani: I don't care

dumb bitch syndrome

by kiesha_tf_am_i_here August 10, 2020

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dumb bitch syndrome

(DBS) means any girl with the name alyssa or keely they are the dumbest bitches in the world most of the time they are bestfriends.

OMG alyssa and keely have dumb bitch syndrome.

by hehehe2000 April 3, 2020

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Dumb Bitch Syndrome (DBS)

a female, typically blonde, who lacks brain cells. the signs of DBS usually come clear in teenage years. DBS has no cure so far and the chances is low that there will ever be one. one can only truly understand it if they have it.
a person suffering with DBS will

* be confused

*vocabulary will be limited and often results to "fuck this fucking fuck"

*make bad decisions and then have a meltdown about it later

*does peace sign a lot after saying a sentence or just out of the middle of know where

*does not do class work ever ever ever

*is really repatative repetitive

*never does assignments and plays coolmathgames instead

*doesnt know what many words mean

*speak their mind often

*are dramatic and over exaggerate

*are dumb

there is no cure yet for Dumb Bitch Syndrome but in rare cases people can grow out of it although there will forever be a little inside of you

good girl; supposedly he died

girl suffering from DBS; what's supposedly

friend; how can you not know that

girl suffering from DBS; I have fucken Dumb Bitch Syndrome (DBS) m8

by skettyassbitches August 28, 2019

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