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Dumb Blonde

a young woman that has blonde hair and has a very stupid personality

WOW, hannah is such of a dumb blonde

by Rachaelisthecoolest February 21, 2009

85πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

dumb blond

a person with blond hair that is incredibly stupid or retarded! a.k.a airhead

Tiffany you are such a fukin dumb blonde! Gosh!!!

by Galaxia June 20, 2006

51πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

dumb blonde

a girl who looks absolutely gorgeous, great figure, great legs, nice blonde hair (usually bleached). Yet there's something about the peroxide because she just seems to have no sence at all. A lot of guys want to date her and bag her but you can't really "fuck her brains out" if there's nothing up there. She often has a totally blank spaced out look on her pretty face, she is so "out there in the ozone layer" but her looks and vacant air of sexuality may get her around in life (look at some of the entertainment industry's biggest stars today), yet her IQ may be so room temperature that she may not know or comprehend where you "plug it in". Someone may have to tell her. An absolutely vapid dizz. A bad example for females growing up.

1. Because I'm blonde, I don't have to think
I talk like a baby and I never pay for drinks
Don't have to worry about gettin' a man
If I keep this blonde and I keep these tan

'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah!
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah!

I see people workin', it just makes me giggle
'Cause I don't have to work, I just have to jiggle
'Cause I'm blonde, B-L-O-N-D
'Cause I'm a blonde, don't you wish you were me?

'Cause I'm blonde, nyah nyah nyah!
'Cause I'm a blonde, nyah nyah nyah! ...

I took an IQ test and I flunked it, of course
I can't spell VW, but I got a Porsche
'Cause I'm a blonde, B-L-I-N-D!
'Cause I'm a blonde, don't you wish you were me? ...

Girls think I'm snotty and maybe its true
With my hair and body, you would be too
'Cause I'm a blonde, B-L... I don't know!
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah!
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah!
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah! - JULIE BROWN

2. Paris Hilton and Britney Spears are ditzy dumb blondes.

3. Earlier this century, Britney Spears said that we must all stand together behind the President no matter what he says or does. Need I say anymore?

4. I dated a girl with bleached hair in college. She's got knowledge and refinement but she is quite an airhead, an educated fool. She'd tell me, the professor of the class we were in together and practically everyone we ran into on a date her life story and all the things me and her did. What do ya know?


Q: How did the dumb blonde correct a mistake on a report on her computer?

A: She used Wite-Out on the computer screen!

6. I like women of all hair colors. Not every blonde woman is a dumb blonde.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 28, 2009

54πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Dumb Blonde

The only kind of blonde there is. They're dumb because their boobs are so much bigger than there brain.

Dumb Blonde:Um.....what?
Dumb Blonde:Huh?

by EatShitAndDie January 19, 2009

130πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž


n. 1: a person (usually female) with blonde hair who is slow to learn or understand "emma a dumb-blonde" ; lacking intellectual acuity; "emma is so dense she never understands anything I say to her because she is a dumb-blonde"; "I never met anyone quite so dim as emma"; "dumb-blonde people like emma believe some really dumb things"; "Emma was either normally stupid or deliberately being a dumb-blonde "; "Tom worked with the slow (dumb-blonde) students like Emma"

syn: dense, dim, dull, obtuse, slow dense, dim-witted, dodo, doltish, dull, dumb bunny, dumb head, dumb ox, dumbbell, dumbo, dumdum, dummy, feebleminded, foolish, moronic, numskulled, simple-minded, stupid, thick, doltish, dull, dumb, fatheaded, half-witted, ignorant, imbecilic, impassive, lethargic, numskulled, obtuse, phlegmatic, simple, slow, slow-witted, sluggish, stolid, thick, torpid

"Emma is a dumb-blonde most of the time."

by Tom 'JF' C January 20, 2006

27πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Dumb Blonde

A girl who is very stupid. Usally from the upper middle class, or first class. A girl whose dad gets her everything. OH ya! also is very unintelligant, and stupid. Everyone loves the girl, she is the most popular girl in the school. Yet what no one notices is, she is actually very smart on the inside, for if she wasn't she wouldn't be able to manage the whole school. AnDD the girl usally has a ginaromous mansion, shops from Juicy Coture every other day. Usually love hell more than Heaven.

Danny: Yo dawg see da girl over there?
Tom: U mean emily? The dumb blonde?
Danny: ya... her dad owns the Northshore International Enterrpieses
Tom: wtf is that?

Danny: The own Home Depot and Apple
Tom: so?
Danny: She can see inside any of our houses cuz her daddy planted cameras inside of all the towns appliances, bought from home depot.
Tom: But shes stupid
Danny: Not as stupid as may think... She has watched u...do naughty things....

by DannyykOgan October 28, 2011

28πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Dumb blonde

Has blonde hair , blue eyes,a tall and thin figure,and a bitchy personality.

Oh she’s a dumb blonde.

by The devil herself 😈 November 7, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž