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egone thot

The phrase to banish a strong thot with the power of Lord Farquaad and the Thot Patrol, because the thots have been evolving....

Thot Patroller: NO! My Begone Thoticus Maximus you're omega gay isn't working! I have to resort to one thing.... E GONE THOT!
The Thot was vaporized, then vaporized again until completely obliterated and sent to HEll

by begone-clot September 11, 2018

Egon Special

When you stuff a chick's vagina full of marshmallows, then you and a buddy bang her in the same mallow filled hole and cum at the exact same time (crossing the streams) resulting in your dick being covered in a sticky, marshmallowy mess when you pull out. And if that isn't awesome enough, I'm pretty sure you get to nail Sigourney Weaver afterwards!

"We were camping and my ladyfriend got sick of toasting the marshmallows so she asked if I could give her an Egon Special"

by DoBeDe May 10, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirty egon

It's just a regular Egon. Egon is always dirty.

"Damn, that's a dirty Egon."
"So, just Egon?"

by JeSuisNerd January 11, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Egon Smurf

Egon Smurf is something you scream after you comepletly fucked someone in the ass.

"Oh, ouch, that hurts"
"You got fucking Egon Smurf!"

by drzinzao November 7, 2017

Egon Clone

An Egon Clone is somebody who looks like Egon, and acts like Egon. They can be in any gender.

A group of Egon Clones kicked my ass and took my lunch money.

by DevilDeadly December 23, 2022


Egon (E- gon)- A name for someone who disappears a lot.

โ€œOh where the fucks Darren gone now?!โ€
โ€œWhat, Egon!โ€
โ€œYeah! Where the fucks Egon?โ€

by MasseefErection November 14, 2023


Egon is a stupid bear.

I found stupid bear in Finland. His name is Egon.

by Pandora_panda November 22, 2021