The most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and that's saying something.
Man, that Elisha Cuthbert is easy on the eyes.
614👍 199👎
The hottest chick ever to leave Canada
You may know Elisha Cuthbert from the girl next door or 24, but i thought she was hot back in her Are You Afraid of the Dark days.
157👍 47👎
i think Mrs. Elisha Cuthbert is the most beatiful woman in the world and i would love to meet her even though i know that is never going to happen she has a smile to die for and she is so cute yet so beautiful yet also so sexy and i think she has it all i am sure she is smart too so i just wanted her to know she has one devoted fan who likes her and hopes she continues to look good and do well in her acting career.
118👍 42👎
the hottest person in the world..
I cant explain her in words... shes just amazing
209👍 95👎
Halo nama gw zidan dari indonesia, awikwok nyasar kesini gara gara pro player evos buat sw tentang situs urbandictionary ini, oke itu gk seberapa penting, dan mungkin yg bakalan vw sampein juga gak penting tpi gw cuman mau bilang kalok gw ngefans bangt sama artis hollywood asal Canada yaitu Elisha Cuthbert tau dia gara gara chanel yt iq7 ngebahas alur cerita film house of wax, dan gw liat ada wanita cantik yg main didalamnya gw sungguh terpesona sama kecantikannya sungguh kriteria perempuan idaman, waktu ku cari ig dan biodata nya ternyata dia muda waktu aku baru lahir, dan sekarang dia sudah tua, tpi bodo amat klok seandainya ada mesin yg bisa kembali ke masa lalu gw mau kembali ke 2004 dimana Elisha Cuthbert ini lagi cantik cantiknya, gw ngefans dan terpesona bgt smpek sampek semua medsos/game yg bisa di isi gambar aku isi foto elisha cuthbert, udah itu aja yg mau aku curahin tentang mbak Elisha Cuthbert. Nih ig gw : @zidanelscb
Satu kata : aku ingin bertemu dan berfoto bersama Elisha Cuthbert