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The coolest bitch in the whole fucking world if you ever know an emiliano and you are a girl you must date him

Girl:i am going out whith Emiliano Girl2:you sooooooo lucky

by Supafoolnkdkdjdjfxjf February 3, 2018

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Emiliano is a sex beast. One with not much when it comes to dominance but in a nice way. Are you a dominant female? Find YOURSELF AN EMILIANO! They will love you and never leave you. They are very kind when it comes to people they know and will happily let you in their hearts. Just don't be a bitch to them!

Someone: Emiliano I love you
Emiliano: Peg me!

by Terry J Cruz February 22, 2021

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Emiliano is a normal guy he is nice to people, not always but is nice. he takes the time to understand how people are feeling if there sad or happy that's is what I like about Emiliano He always wonders about others but most time not before himself it's nice to have an Emiliano to know how you feel so you can express emotions

Emiliano is a cool guy

by BlueKing09 December 25, 2020

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Emiliano is the most perfect man you will meet, he always has a friend named Noah, Fabian everyone is his friend he is funny and he likes this girl who starts with a c

Bro do you know who is perfect


by Emiliano is perfect November 23, 2019

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


If we’re talking about Emiliano I’m your girl. If ur referring to Emiliano c saldivar ? Runnnn girl just run he is a weirdo just ask his foster mom Dene anyways Emiliano’s are usually very very attractive with great personalities and they are very artistic this Emiliano is like a Chamaeleon He blends in every where he can change everything about him and be a completely different person and at his level it’s a skill. This Emiliano came from the hood like me but his is cowardly and not Noble By any means this Emiliano has a older brother named manny and is from Merced so if u know him run away.

I was just talking to em foster mom and damnn girl


Oh yea my bad Emiliano em is just what I call him but he likes to be called Emilio

Love you bff

by Emilianosbestie September 22, 2019

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Emiliano is a normal person. He is nice to people, not always but is nice. He takes the time to understand how people are feeling, if they're sad or happy. He awlays wonders about others most of the time before himself. It's nice to have an Emiliano to know how you feel so you can express your emotions.

Emiliano is a cool guy

by 232492014 November 23, 2021


A Nigerian slang-- (female).
A girl/lady who is good looking.

Synonyms: babygirl, sexy, girlfriend.

1)Look at that Emiliano
2) That girl is my emiliano

by Mr.money aka asake June 23, 2022