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Emo Kids

First, I am going to tell you what emo is not.
Emo is not "omgzz i'm gonna go slit my wrists." It is not the stereotypical tight jeans and shirts on both sexes. Emo is not always a genre of music.
Emo means (and please don't get all mad at me, but this is what my experience tells me) means pretty much emotional.
Now, it doesn't mean that the kid is always depressed and sad and mopey, it just means that the kid goes through mood swings relatively fast.
Now, emo kids can be seen wearing a typical tight demeanor (tight clothing) with flats, odd, clashing accessories, and greasy (or not) hair with long bangs. Black eyeliner as well. But this does not mean that all emo's wear the same thing. They can wear whatever the hell they want, but this style attracts lots of Emo Kids.
Some emo kids are actually always depressed, but I like to call these... depressed kids. NOT emo's. These are the kind of kids who give a bad name to emo's and are the main stereotype for emo's.
I don't really understand why everybody thinks it's funny to stereotype emo's as suicide victims and ungrateful depressed people.
It's not really like that.

Emo kid 1 : My boyfriend broke up with me.
Emo Kid 2 : Thats too bad. Wanna come over to watch a movie?
Emo Kid 1 : Yeah, that'd be fun. I can show you my new skinny jeans.
Emo Kids 2 : Rad. Come on over.


by Omigodalexan December 20, 2006

247๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo kid

oh my.. an emo kid.. first off.. most kids get mistaken with emo kids and posers.. (scene kids).. the posers are the ones who show off their scars and cuts to people. they only cut for "fun" and to be "cool". they listen to emo music and dress emo cause they think its "cool" and will make them "popular". those are not emo kids.. why doesnt anyone understand that?

most emo kids will be wearing mostly all black and have written some depressing dark poems and depressing lyrics about heartbreak. some wear the studded belts. some go to hot topic. they hate labels. they usually dont listen to known bands such as fall out boy. their hair is usually a dark color or dyed. they might have black nail polish on and the straight up emo guys will have black eye liner on. most emo kids now do not wear the black thick rimmed glasses. the definition for emo has changed over the years. some emo kids hate being called emo.. and rarely will u find an emo kid who is proud to be "emo".. the kids who say their emo and label themselves are the posers.

"look everyone! i cut myself yesturday!"

"labels are lame and popular bands.. do kinda.. suck.."
-emo kid

by Lexxi December 6, 2005

162๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo kid

i see all these people bag on emo kids and in truth if they ever get stuck in a hole then they can tell how it feels to be "emo" YES I AM EMO. the whole clothing thing is another way to show other emo people that they arent alone because inside every emo kid as much as life does suck and as much as some do cut (i dont myself) everyone wants to know they arent alone. alot of things can make someone emo and most have been pointed out but unlike most of the jerks who try to bring me down i know how to be a man and let other people live their lives accepting that we are all different. just because i want to wear make up and tight girls jeans why do i deserve all the hate that gets put on emo kids? i know this isnt much of a definition but to anyone who reads this try to understand that we cant help who we are inside.

EMO KID: im just sad thats all
GIRL: i want to hug you
EMO KID: eek get her off of me!
GIRL: you get me all excited then you shoot me down!
EMO KID: ok you can hug me.......but only for a second or two..

by lats September 18, 2005

103๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emo Kid

One who rejects "pop culture" and joins the counter-culture realm. Usually has ideas contrary to popular opinion and seeks to gain a better understanding of life through artistic venues. May appear depressed, have black or red hair, and dress in a way that is contrary to what is popular. Thrift stores, art, coffee shops, underground music, and poetry are usually of great interest. Contrary to popular opinion, though an emo kid may seem depressed, within their own group there is an element of deep understanding and friendship. Emo kids see the world as beautiful, but its inhabitants as lost and depressing.

That good will shirt is so emo.

by Artsy.not.emo October 5, 2003

2135๐Ÿ‘ 1500๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emo kid

There are several different types of Emo Kids.

1.The Baggie Emo- Wears baggie jeans (usually bootcut). Wears long T-shirts usually baught at Hot Topic. Wears colorful T-shirts on laundry day, but makes it a point to tell everyone how much they hate the shirt and why they are being forced to wear it. Usually tries to avoid these days by resorting to washing the black shirts themselves when one's mother refuses. Whieght varies. Hardly any 'Baggie Emos' are skinny. Wears ratty converse ( hight-top or low-top) or large boots. Lots of bracelets, a choker or long chain, multple peircings, the typical emo haircut, usually wears black nail polish. Carries messenger bag with pins, patches, and black marker graffiti. Just as many cutters as non-cutters. May have an eating disorder, but not extreme enough to show. Doesn't talk much. Chatters constanly around friends and laughs a lot only around friends. Appears depressed around outsiders and makes threats that they never attended to carry out to anyone who talks to them. A great friend when you get past the threats. Some maybe gay or bi, but just as many are straight. Usually female, but there are males. Listens to typical roack and metal. May sneak some Oldies or the like. Despises Preps and hates Rap, Hip-hop, Pop, etc. Can not STAND wiggas or 'gangstas.' May do drugs.

2.The Skinny Emo- Always extremely skinny. Not always due to eating disorder, but an eating disorder isn't unusual. Usually wears black band T-shirts that are as tight as possible. Usually has a white, thin long sleeved shirt underneath. Always wears old converse of varrying colors usually high-top. Multipe piercings. Usually plays an instrument. May carry drum sticks in back pocket. Typical emo haircut. Carries messenger bag with pins, patches, and black marker graffiti. Just as many cutters as non-cutters. Listens to all kinds of music. May be confused with a 'Punk.' Both genders wear eyeliner. May wear black nail polish. The Skinny Emo is rarely female. Some may be gay or bi, but just as many are straight. May do drugs.

3.The Wannabe Emo- Usually young. May see an older emo and can relate to them. Are positive they are Emo at heart, but not always true. Attempts the emo haircut, and wears too much emo jewelry and eyeliner. Wears too much black clothing. May slip up and forget to wear something. Draws on fake cuts or scratches themselves. Brags that they 'cut.' Boasts that they do drugs, but most do not actually do them. Most will pass this wannabe phase, but some will progress to full 'Emo-ness.'

These are just a few examples of emos. The following apply to all types of emos.

1.Some cut, some do not.
2.Some are gay or bi, some are not.
3.All hate preps, but may have some friends who are preps, but try to recruit them.
4.Most are happy with themselves and will fight any suggestions of phsychiatry.
5.Some really have attempted suicide.
6. Most do not call themsleves emo, but will to defend themselves when they are called Goth, Punk. etc.
8.Half do drugs, half do not.
9. All listen to rock-type music, and all relate to the lyrics. It's all about the lyrics!!!!
10.Seem depressed to everyone but their friends. Laugh a lot when around their friends. Some bottle up their feelings, which may cause random bursts of severe emotion, which may lead to suicide, cutting, or deppression.
11.Most have had people (teachers, parents, family, close friends) suggest or threaten with mental help.
12.Majority are into anime and manga.
13.Most don't like to talk.
14.Like to write, whether it be poems, songs, or stories.
15.Most are very intelligent.
16.Love the world, just not its inhabitants.
17.See the earth as a beatiful thing that is being ripped apart by humanity. Something needs to be done.
18.Use big words.
19.Trashes about the government and society's labels.
20.Hates authority.

Emo Kid: Dude, turn that rap down!!!!!!!!!!
"Normie": Goth!
Emo Kid: *Flushes angrily* I am not Goth! I'm...emo...
"Normie": *Laughs* Go slit your wrists emo!
Emo Kid: *Eyes flash with anger and punches the normie.* Idiot. *Picks up book, slings messenger bag over shoulder and walks away. Hands in pockets, head down, hair in eyes. Eyes smiling slyly.*

by XxFading SmilesxX September 10, 2006

107๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo kid

Music/Lifestyle that involves using emotions to express themselves. Poetry/Lyrics can be a popular way of expressing an "emo kid's" feelings. An "emo kid" is not always sad and depressed, contrary to beliefs. Music is usually a huge influence in an "emo kid's" life.

"Emo Kid" Bands: Dashboard Confessional, The Spill Canvas, The Used,Hawthorne Heights,Eve 6, Relient K

by Alyssa March 26, 2005

96๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emo kid

A kid who's in touch with his emotions, regardless it is rage or love, that's why a lot of people mistake it with being gay, but altough there ARE some gay emo kids, they are a minority. Let me get something straight, "staight edges" are not hateful poser pricks as some people have posted, I dunn consider as one myself, but I DO think ppl who do drugs often do some horrible shit, such as raping and murdering, and I think we should give some credit to those who encourage other people to lead a healthier life.
Emo people, however, don't give a shit what society thinks, they speak their minds but usually not in harsh or rude ways, that of course unless they are really fucking pissed at the person they're talking to.

A person who likes metal does not have to stop bathing or wear the messy and long hair, so why should an emo kid be gay or wear tight pants?

by Alumno x de la petroleos July 31, 2006

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