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Self-Employed Model

Prostitute, Hooker, Whore

Q: How can that incredibly hot chick be interested in him?
A: She's a self-employed model

by BTLS Fan September 21, 2005

44đź‘Ť 15đź‘Ž

self un-employed

a word concocted by the truly pitiful, however creative, species of mankind whom is un-employed.

K: I work at the Hilton. What do you do?
M: I'm self-unemployed!

by Kat November 26, 2004

13đź‘Ť 12đź‘Ž

Self Employed Agorist

A self-employed Agorist is usually someone that takes themselves way too seriously and sucks off the works of Samuel Edward Konkin III. Some Agorists are hard-working members of society but the self-employed Agorist chooses to stay home 3D printing whatever bullshit their meth-addicted mind can come up with I.e. (3D printing those bump dildos). Instead of treating Agorism as a side job they devote their lives to this get rich quick scheme instead of cleaning houses or working at a liquor store they choose to remain in the same economic condition they were in the first place.

Regular Agorist - Man I worked this long shift now to sell candles on the weekend hey man what did you do all day?
Self Employed Agorist - I spent all day 3D printing some (Insert bullshit here)
Regular Agorist - Ah Cool that's a cool side job
Self Employed Agorist - Side job?

by SloanDome September 25, 2019

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yes i did that and you would do it too for a check. I was an employee and I was going to get employed and thats on periodt!

An extremely funny TikTok sound that we need to talk about more. I try to find places in my conversations to say it but there just aren't any chances. You best know the second there's an opportunity I will be saying it.

yes i did that and you would do it too for a check. I was an employee and I was going to get employed and thats on periodt!is very funny and iconic and DO NOT tell me different

by pop off kween November 13, 2020

10đź‘Ť 7đź‘Ž

yes i did that and you would do it too for a check. I was an employee and I was going to get employed and thats on periodt!

An extremely funny TikTok sound that we need to talk about more. I try to find places in my conversations to say it but there just aren't any chances. You best know the second there's an opportunity I will be saying it.

yes i did that and you would do it too for a check. I was an employee and I was going to get employed and thats on periodt! is very funny and iconic and DO NOT tell me different

by pop off kween November 13, 2020

4đź‘Ť 5đź‘Ž

return on effort employed

The KPi that defined whether or not a task or energy applied to it is really worth the bother.

Rebecca: “oh lord! There’s a Lion heading towards us”
Leon: “oh cripes, we should LITERALLY RUN AS FAST AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE , in order to make sure we are in front of all these other Safari tourists”
Rebecca: “er, no. It’s hot. I don’t need to be the fastest. I just need to be faster than 1 or 2 of them.
And as most of them ate lunch and I only had a date; I fancy my chances”
Leon: “oh gosh; you’re right as usual Honey - there was me always wanting to be the best at everything I do (inc. running from Lions) but actually it’s so hot, the “return on effort employed” or ROEE just isn’t there”
Rebecca: “thank the lord; finally you get it (see also 20:80).
Leon: “yes - I coined that one too”

by L30NRB August 8, 2020

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