Svett Yasuo one-trick som runner det ned mid lane hvert game. Bor på in-denial island og har gigantisk ego.
Meg og Oddvar queuet opp for ranked, men jeg ble autofilled Jungle, så vi fikk i stedet en Eskil i mid lane. Heldigvis fikk vi kommet oss ut av gamet på 15 minutter.
2👍 1👎
as in the name of eskil simonsson, singer for the swedish group, Covenant. Amazing voice. Amazing band. Amazing man all in general. :) ....and hes pretty adorable
Im totally fascinated with eskil
30👍 27👎
Eskilering är ett begrepp som används när Eskil gör som Eskil gör och drops his mic of knowledge och därav eskilerar diskussionen. Etymologin kommer från grekiskans Escalator.
Ahh shit var du på seminariet igår? Fuck det där eskilerade snabbt asså! 0-100 real quick, typiskt eskilering
Eskil is a very handsome guy. He's sweet, kind and caring. The kind of person who always in a good mood and there for you. Eskil is total boyfriendgoals so if you got an Eskil, keep him really close and don't forget to remind him of how much you like him;)
You're so lucky to have Eskil , he's the real deal.
Main Entry: es·ki·late
Pronunciation: \ˈes-kə-ˌlāt, ÷-kyə-\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): es·ki·lat·ed; es·ki·lat·ing
Etymology: back-formation from Mr. and Mrs. Trollhagen
Date: 2009
intransitive verb
: to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope regarding robotic software or Touchscreen applications
transitive verb
: expand 2
— es·ki·la·tion \ˌes-kə-ˈlā-shən, ÷-kyə-\ noun — es·ki·la·to·ry \ˈes-kə-lə-ˌtȯr-ē, ÷-kyə-\ adjective
<a little problem threatens to Eskilate into a huge ugly one>
3👍 3👎
Dirty Eskil a man with a big dick
When his dick gets hard every girl wants a dirty Eskil
Known as a realy hot guy that dont belive it when pepole tell him. If your name is eskil carlsen you probably are the hottest guy in your town
Is that eskil carlsen, hes so hot
Its sad he dont belive it