This has typically occurred once your parakeet beings to make a grinding noise with it's beak and gives long monologs about how it knows that it's actually a small Hispanic child named Mike.
"*grinding noise* SQUAWK Help me! I'm suffering from Evren's curse! I'm a small Hispanic child named Mike! SQUAWK!"
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A witch named Evren went to a half Spanish-half english kindergarten class and met a little Hispanic boy that we're going to call Mike. Although their language barrier was impenetrable, Evren's mother was convinced that he had a crush on her daughter. This frustration led to Evren casting a spell, turning Mike into a parakeet, and renaming him Picket. To this day his cries of "Hola mi nombre es Mike," ring throughout the roomy cylindrical domes that Evren calls home.
*grinding beak* "SQUAWK! EVREN'S CURSE! SQUAWK! MI NOMBRE ES MIKE!" *chitter* *chirp*
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