Extraphysical Materialism is a materialist current that advocates that extraphysics are the base of the whole universe and of the whole existence. Extraphysical materialism advocates quantum mechanics are a form of extraphysics, where quantum materialism is actually part of extraphysical materialism. Extraphysical materialism advocates it is necessary massive investments and studies on quantum mechanics and extraphysical mechanics for prove if quantum materialism and extraphysical materialism are correct or not or are falseable. Extraphysical materialism also advocates extraphysics can influence the physical level such as quantum mechanics can influence the macro level.
"Extraphysical Materialism is an uncommon form of materialism, but still, really interesting such as quantum materialism."
"Extraphysical materialism advocates conscience exists at extraphysical level and it only uses physical level for its manifestation, where the conscience might exist inside and united with the atoms of someone, uniting extraphysical materialism with quantum materialism."
"Extraphysical materialism shows how can quantum mechanics be considered as part of extraphysics, proving that the physical level is also part of extraphysical level, creating an interesting connection between natural and extranatural."
Aetheric Extraphysics is a branch of extraphysics and a hypothesis on extraphysics where the Aether is actually an extraphysical substance that exists at extraphysical level, and that supposedly is one of the susbtances that separates the physical of the extraphysical and Aether cannot be detected by any physical means but its interaction with the physics can be completely explained by physical ways, according to Aether Extraphysics, aether is more a substance that separated the physical from the extraphysical and it's considered the essential separation between the physical and extraphysical.
"Aetheric Extraphysics seeks on the study of Aether and how it would be possible to detect it by extraphysical means, and even understand what separates the physical from the extraphysical and the field/border between both, physics and extraphysics."
Theoretical Extraphysics is a branch of extraphysics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of extraphysical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict extranatural phenomena. This is in contrast to experimental extraphysics, which uses experimental tools to probe these phenomena.
"Theoretical Extraphysics shows that extraphysics is not about mystical fun and similars, extraphysics is about tons of mathematics and logics for find about extraphysical phenomena and even about extraphysical existence and life."
"Theoretical Extraphysics and Experimental Extraphysics shows extraphysics is just another area of physics, an area that slowly will be accepted inside the physical research and studies, and it is gonna be amazing, because the search for extraphysical existence and life will start and it will be amazing."
Neutral Extraphysicalism is an extraphysicalist philosophy, derived from extraphysical monism, where there’s no dichotomy between physics and extraphysics and both are the same thing, and believing the fundamental nature of reality to be neither extraphysical nor physical; in other words it is "neutral". Neutral Extraphysicalism believes that both extraphysical and physical are made by a neutral substance that is part of the whole physics, extraphysics and existence. Neutral Extraphysicalism is often considered the most common position of extraphysical monism, being classical extraphysical monism supporter that extraphysics and physics are equal and made of the same substance while neutral extraphysicalism supports that the neutral substance that composes physics and extraphysics is what makes physics and extraphysics being equal to each other.
“Neutral Extraphysicalism is really useful for extraphysical monism and to show how extraphysical monism can actually be right and make extraphysicalism and extraphysics to survive to all it’s attempts to disapprove it and even show it’s wrong, futhermore, extraphysicalism and extraphysics are still open questions that we can explore it in the future.”
Extraphysical Supersymmetry, shortened as EPSUSY, is a supersymmetric hypothesis where all superpartner particles and other supersymmetric particles at extraphysical level and extraphysical superposition does not let those particles be detected by majority of the experiments. Extraphysical Supersymmetry united the Extraphysical Theory with the Supersymmetry theory.
"Extraphysical Supersymmetry, such as the whole Extraphysical Theory, are the last hope several people have in create a unified physics theory and finnaly unite science with spirituality and metaphysics at once.
Extraphysical Panpsychism is the view that mind or a mindlike aspect is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of reality, where mind or that mindlike aspect exist at extraphysical level and extraphysics play an important role at physics and where all living beings and things actually have an extraphysical mind and an extraphysical counterpart as well. Extraphysical panpsychism seeks to unite the views of extraphysicalism and of panpsychism into single philosophy, and to develop a theory and a view that can describe the world and reality and physical level and extraphysical level where both, physical and extraphysical levels are part of the same reality and mind.
"Extraphysical Panpsychism is a nice way to see reality, if we unite it to atheist extraphysicalism, we could have a view and a notion about how humans should behave themselves in case they finally understand how extraphysics are and how they can access them objectively such as contact with extraphysical beings objectively."
Extraphysical afterlife is a hypothesis and a concept inside extraphysics thaf advocates life continues at extraphysical level, where the extraphysical mind does not die after the death of the physical body. Extraphysical afterlife also uses the concepts of extraphysical mind, extraphysical cognition, extraphysical entanglement and extraphysical superposition to explain how would the extraphysical afterlife hypothesis would be like.
"Extraphysical afterlife is a good concept and it might help a lot to understand the extraphysical nature and even motivate people to develop technologies and methods to study extraphysics in an objective way."
"Extraphysical afterlife might help a lot to understand the extraphysical mind concept and other concepts of extraphysics itself."