Source Code


An MMORPG that is made by Square Enix and is based of the Final Fantasy seris that has attracted so many fanboys/fangirls/wapaneses.

Pretty good.

Well, it's an MMORPG. It doesn't "kick ass", like those FFXI fanboys claim, but it is pretty good.

by Some dude July 18, 2004

127👍 77👎


An awesom an, slightly, innovative mmorpg made by what I would rather call squaresoft, not goddang squeenix!

At any rate...
Shiny graphics - Check
Good community, eceonomy, gameplay - Check
Monthly fee - CHECK!!!111!11!!!!
and finally, tradeskill out the butt - check

I play FFXI and I like it OK.

PM my dragoon,warrior,theif,blackmage,redmage named WeaponZero on Fairy server!!!
yes I play on a server named Fairy!!!

by Atma Weapon December 30, 2005

94👍 89👎


a wanna be EverQuest. you play to level 40 and get bored.

i used to play ffxi, until i realized it sucked, unlike EQ.

by l33t pwner May 27, 2004

60👍 233👎

ffxi emo

A state of mind where players of the game Final Fantasy XI get all sad and lonley for no apparent reason.

Can occur in the most sensible players of the game, and is often a sign that trouble is ahead.

ffxi emo can occur for multiple reasons

Drama over stolen items can make a player /emo

Friends leaving the game can make a player /emo

The Dark Knight Job Class from FFXI has a hidden Emo Job Trait

by Reiginsei September 21, 2006

44👍 10👎

FFXI (Final Fantasy XI)

One of the 4 Greatest alternitives to Birth Control...
2) EverQuest
3) Socom 2 (Online)
4) Halo (Online)

"Nah honey I can't right now my linkshell needs me to kill the NM in Jueno"

by Naco Taco April 1, 2004

69👍 9👎