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a man who never tires of making himself look good, uselly have extremelly buetiful eyes and always has a girl with him.

wow man look at that facy guy over there i really am jelous of his sexyness

by Bob mclarnin June 3, 2010

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asa faci?

This word means a cool question addressed to someone who didn't made his homework. Usually, this question is accompanied by the phrase "Iesi Acasa"

Asa faci? Iesi acasa, tarfo!

by Cucliciu Zoe November 21, 2013


Information you find out on Facebook that you should have already known or been told through more appropriate means.

Joe: I heard your sister got divorced, that sucks.
John: What are you talking about?
Joe: Oh you don't know? I saw it on Facebook.
John: Great, I have to find this out from a Faci-Leak.

by van g rules February 2, 2011

Ce Faci

It means "what are you doing" in Romanian

Monica:Ce faci
Jack:What does that mean
Monica: it means "what are you doing"in Romanian.

by Farido_Dicky77 January 30, 2020

prima facie

Latin: "at first glance"

Prima facie, John didn't seem to be a fucktard, but when I started talking to him, I realized that he was just a playa hater.

by mihailoff February 21, 2005

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take a facie

When taking a selfie and making a face. For example a mad face, happy face or a silly face.

I hate when I take a facie and I don't think it captures my real mad face

by NutMeg634 May 13, 2015

res ipsa loquitur prima facie

Literally, " The thing, itself, speaks, at first face. "

An ideal of hermeneutics which insists that the logical foundation for an interpretation should be the most straightforward, most obvious, most logical, most self-evident reading which one would most likely assume from a text when taking it as it comes to one, or reading it as it as, in it's own terms and in its own words, at face value.

Ideally it is an attempt to read a text with fresh wide-open eyes, free from prejudices and preconceptions and all outside influences; as if reading it for the first time, with no foreknowledge, thereof. Ideal in theory but likely impossible in practice.

Further elaborations should be built upon this foundation if and only if sound, valid, objective, and logical reasons exist to support such deviations.

Your intrepretation seems contrived and doesn't fit well with the spirit of res ipsa loquitur prima facie.

by Gill Malankhoney (3) February 19, 2012

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