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fall out

1) To fight or argue with someone.
2) A video game based in the future, where you live in 'Vaults' and you try to escape to the polluted world outside (nuclear bomb war)

1) Jenny: I wish you'd shut up! *pushes*
Carl: *slaps*
Jenny: I'm going to fall out with you.
2) Ryan: Hey, have you seen that new video game Fallout 3? It's awesome dude.

by Clean¦Writer November 2, 2008

25πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

fall - out

of military origin esp. U.S. Army...
1. to break ranks
2. to step out of formation
3. to be left behind because your fat ass cant keep up
4. to anounce ones exit
5. to quit drinking. vomit, or pass-out

private partz fall out
im gonna fall-out
dont fall out you fat fuck or im gonna PT you to death!
Jones fell out and puked all over the cab

by major tom June 12, 2003

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

falling out

A term meaning 'to lose consciousness' due to a person's over consumption of GHB. Minutes and/or, sometimes, hours later, they tend to regain consciousness and are, fully awake, cognizant of their environment.

She can't handle her G, honey, she's about to fall out.


We call Adrian "Fall Out Boy" as he is often falling out at every party.

by Jibber McJibberton July 6, 2010

74πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Fall Out Boy Fall Out

The Act of Missing Fall Out Boy So Much you have a Fall Out. Falling Out usually includes doing drugs and never endingly listening to the greatest band in history's music.

I'm Totally on a fall out boy fall out

by lexislovesjunk August 19, 2011

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

fall out

A phrase commonly used among Gay Black Men when one person attempts to "read" the other. This phrase has the same meaning as the phrase "fuck you!"

Punk A: Giiiiiirl, your new boyfriend looks a mess!

no tea, no shade, no tea no shade

by Ja'Miko504 September 13, 2010

35πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Falling out

A term used by tweakers. To crash. Pass Out To fall asleep suddenly, in class. To stumble, run into something, fall out of a chair. To fall asleep at red lights, stop-signs, or any other boring stretch of road, usually after being up for days.

Man Joe was so messed up when he wrecked his car, he kept falling out on the way back from OzFest. Every time we got a Red light he'd fall out, we were cracking up 'til people started honking and rubber-necking as they drove by. I told him he should have taken a Power nap before we left, and he said that's what red lights are for!

by lostlyricist February 4, 2010

47πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

falling out

To pass out or to fall on the floor in emotional distress.

I was running the mile in PE and when I got done I was practically falling out.


When Gina found out her baby had cancer, she was falling out all over the place.

by SMXT November 15, 2009

40πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž