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Dutch Farewell

When you knock a girl on the head with your wooden shoe after or while having sex with her. This is often done by drunk Dutch guys who realize, when starting to sober up, what the girl actually looks like.

The tap on the head will leave her unconscious or at the very least dazed and confused, hereby buying the guy enough time to make a quick and quiet escape. In addition, the guy will leave the clog on the bed next to her so that she has something to remember him by.

When the roles are reversed the name for this scenario is commonly known as Clog Knockout. In reference to the shoe as well as the girl that was obviously out of the guy's league.

Male: Dude! Why didn't you warn me when I took that monster home! Now I just had to give her a Dutch Farewell when I was able to see in 3D again and noticed how fugly she was!!
Damn! That Dutch supermodel that I picked up yesterday gave me a Clog Knockout when she realized what I looked like. Well that will teach not to try and get girls that far out of my league...

Female: OMG!! I was feeling so great doing that gorgeous guy yesterday! To bad that when he sobered up and looked me in the face, he immediately gave me a Dutch Farewell...
I can't believe I let that ugly monkey take me home yesterday!! I really need to stop drinking so damn much! Thank God I sobered up and gave him a Clog Knockout before he got my pants down!!

by GMMC February 8, 2010

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Wello Farewell

When someone goes out of their way to brag about their holidays or their current idyllic location just so as to get kicked out of a group chat

Wello ' Hope you guys are enjoying work, I am currently in Fiji'
Admin - 'Thanks for the Wello farewell, bye...' <Kicks from group chat>

by HK_prop February 6, 2019

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Canadian farewell

When someone commits suicide or suffers from a terminal illness, but arranges all of their affairs beforehand in order to be less burdensome for their loved ones or next of kin to deal with after they pass. Widely considered the most polite way possible to pull a gamer move.

I heard his mom left him a Canadian farewell by selling all of her belongings beforehand, so the only things he had to deal with were the cleaning crew and burial fees. That's what's up.

by WendyWuessten January 25, 2022

York Farewell

When your group must part at York railway station. Those leaving the train remain on the platform and align themselves to the window adjacent to those still on the train.
Following the whistle from the platform supervisor, they signal their goodbye by windmilling their penises and singing the chorus lines of "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" by Dead or Alive.

The lads gave me the old York Farewell after the stag weekend.

by Bobby's Bitch May 1, 2022

Farewell Tour

When a band is too lazy to make anything new so they need to call every tour a "Farewell Tour" so fans pay to see them lip-sync their top 10 songs with Little guest stars like Lil Wayne and Arianna Grande doing guest vocals as well as Skillet adding dubstep and opening acts like Hellyeah and Five Finger Death Shits.

"Yo I got my Kiss Farewell Tour tickets for $300 this year!"
" Aw Shiet, I'll wear my shirt from last years Farewell Tour!"

by Grand_Womp November 10, 2019

farewell fuck

n. a quick and meaningless screw you have for 'old times sake' with someone you just dumped, or just dumped you.
It mostly just makes the breakup easier 'cuz it's the worst screw you've ever had.

A: I just had the worst screw of my life!
B: Farewell fuck?
A: Yep.

by Tinae' July 7, 2005

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Russian farewell

An aggressive handjob that results in the receiving male partner's member being torn off. Also known as a German greeting.

"She rubbed me so hard, I almost got the ol' Russian farewell."

by coolstorybro13 August 22, 2013

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