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Feudal Whore

One who sleeps around profusely but has high standards; whore royalty

Though she is very free with her sex, she only sleeps with very clean and attractive guys which makes her not just just a whore but a...wait for it...Feudal Whore

by K.Daggzyo January 15, 2011


Typically a capitalist in older cultures and societies, or practically, in most countries in the world except a few that are genuinely democratic and with good enough and fair enough social systems for everybody - even the ordinary. The capitalist has socioeconomic advantages that are insurmountable for the under classes to compete against or to rise up to; thus, a continuation of the medieval political system known as the feudalism is carried through in the new form as the modern socioeconomic feudal system, and to continue to protect the old wealth and power of the new type of all powerful lords in the capitalist form.

Dude1: “dude, how the heck.. this kid just got the PhD from.. South Hammn I.T... and he is running the bank starting tomorrow?!..”

Dude2: “He is the feudal-capitalist clan dude! Better watch it bro.”


Dude1: “dude, the government program booklet said if you got a good idea, you proved it, and the banks will have to loan money if you want to do business with it under the program … it’s just not true..!”

Dude2: “dude … that business is probably one of those for-feudal-capitalist-only thing dude ... they have the banks, they make the rules, they even have your world around you in their pockets; what you gonna do?..”

Dude1: “how ‘bout shove a communist revolution up their ass dude!?”

Dude2: “ … dude.. where u gonna get the AK & RPGs dude? … the Korean commies probably don’t even give those out for free anymore dude.. besides, the feudal-capitalist probably run the whole distribution channel at this joint anyway dude..”

Dude1 ...

Next day..

Dude1: “dude.. got the new government program booklet today.. guess what, from now, you’ll need an already running business that already have revenue and you’ll need to own some properties and you’ll need about ten backers before your damn loan can be considered by the feudal-capitalist..”

Dude2 ...

by sonobasta February 13, 2010

8👍 4👎

corporate feudal society

the slow destruction of national identity into corporate identity. fueled by super pacs, economic distress, and the death of democracy.

the idea of country is over, the idea of company is what counts. country doesnt give me a pay check unless it steals from companies. my company pays for my house, it pays for my insurance, my car, my college education. support your company it has no boundaries but it is the "person" you work for. what a benevolent country i have, it doesnt ask for much, except that i slightly over charge for a product or service i provide to give convenience to the customer. that profit is magnified thousands of times and the fruit of this labor is shared to the workers. the great corporate feudal society has arrived.

by md76 March 9, 2012

42👍 1👎

Feudal system

Two guys that should not have lost their jobs that did are Cam Newton and Rob Rivera. Neither of these guys are inherently scared to take risks. It didn't take long for Ron Rivera to lose his job since ownership changed hands, Cam Newton must have felt like he was headed to a chopping block, which tends to fuck with a guys head a little. If a guy loves football and always has, he shouldn't allow someone else to take it away from him. Kids are taught that the feudal system ended hundreds of years ago, but if you take a look around, you know things don't work the way you're told they work.

The feudal system is still around, whether its obvious or its not.

by Solid Mantis December 9, 2019

1👍 4👎


A term that refers to older people who are so frugal they eat questionably fresh seafood.

The feudal-gene runs deep in that family.

by MCR82 July 15, 2022

darawiish feudalism

Darawiish feudalism is a social stratification proposed form governance in SSC-Khatumo, largely rejected by the overall SSC-Khatumo community

he proposed darawiish feudalism, which was roundly rejected

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023

knights feudal duty



by knwgrct December 1, 2022