Source Code


Any word or phrase can be used as a prefix for -field (Ex: gayfield, sharkfield, fuckfacemotherfuck'nfield, bellerfield, stonedfield). Usually a specific characteristic of a noun is used to make up a -field. One can use a physical feature, clothing, quote, action, nickname, etc to create a new -field. Originated in Cincinnati, OH when bellerfield said gayfield.

Dude drops his burrito all over the floor. Dude is Spillfield (Spill -field).

by TAPEONE April 8, 2006

45πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


The act of exposing one’s self, usually a male wearing Lycra, in the presence of breastfeeding women.

Oi Daniel, did you hear Ben got locked up for fielding over the weekend?!

by Tinky Boy September 28, 2019

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


To handle or take care of

The lawyer fielded the press's questions skillfully, giving away no more information than he wanted to.

by Laur June 24, 2003

40πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

the field

(updated) The area all around us and through us that looks like air and space but is really a pool of energy filled with vibrational information emitted from and by all living things. The Divine Interface. The Flower of Life. The Force. The Matrix. God/Dess. Us.

We, the human species, would be so much more powerful if we acknowledged the FIELD and realized we are ONE, instead of believing we are separate and that none of us are feeling the giant, pulsing, intense, transmission that is our collective vibrational output.

by Exploring Joy September 22, 2017

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


to respond; to give a skillfull or offhand answer to a question

Famous people always have to field some weird questions

by megamallo24 October 4, 2013

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the fields

Another name for plainfield, new jersey.

The party down in the fields was bangin.

by Killa Man man man January 26, 2006

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Into the field

When an employee leaves their usual place of work to work elsewhere, usually in a city setting.

FBI: I'm going into the field to catch this urban cereal killer. He's currently after the Corn Chex.

by Ricardonio May 26, 2010