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a psychoactive drug, most commonly found in tablet form (much like LSD, that induces both auditory and visual hallucinations

That firefly made me see unicorns in the sky.

by baka burger May 13, 2009

80👍 35👎


(Queer terminology, noun) A term used to describe someone who comes out as Queer while in a hetero-facing long-term partnership/marriage. Symbolic of spending a lot of life “underground”, going through a metamorphosis, and then emerging as the truest and most authentic self that glows in the dark and brings joy to others. Alternative to “late blooming lesbian”/“late bloomer”/“late in life lesbian,” but intended to be more inclusive of gender identities/expressions and sexuality representations.

“...Oh yeah, she’s a firefly, she left her marriage a few years ago and came out. Now she’s living her big queer life and is happier than ever!”
"Have you seen how many Fireflies there are on TikTok?! It's like the pandemic hit and they all found each other on that app!"

by MH2021 February 12, 2022


Firefly is by far the most Goram best set in space t-v series of all time. Bar none!!

"Hey Jimmy, this is so Goram good" "Oi Noonga, it surely is, it's so good it's firefly"

by Mooty with the big booty December 7, 2019


Verb: To end something (usually a tv show) too soon.

I hope xyz tv show comes back and they don't firefly me.

Think also to be Fireflied.

by IrreverentGal October 6, 2014


Little tiny insects that tend to die when they make love with cigarette ends.

Hey dude! That firefly is dirtying your cigarette end!!

by The agar \_/ BACFORD July 5, 2016

6👍 1👎


a brand of sweet tea vodka brewed in South Carolina. Tastes wonderful when made as an Arnold Palmer (Lemonade, Sweet tea vodka, and a splash of water) but taste like syrup when drank alone. This new vodka captivates preppy and southern charm in a glass.

Muffy and I sipped Firefly and had finger sandwiches in our sundresses and big hats at the horse races.

by CharlestonCharmer March 26, 2009

28👍 28👎


A very common drink in Mississippi. Ole Miss frat boys and sorority girls often drink this when at parties or tailgating in The Grove. A sweet tea vodka drink that is produced in South Carolina. The classiest drink in the south.

"Sue Anne, lets drink Firefly's before the game."
"Ok! We are gonna crush LSU."

by mississippi girl December 8, 2009

10👍 9👎