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adj.,to be unreliable, and/or absent-minded, flighty, fickle. Generally unresponsible.

Bob said he'd bring beer and instead he invited his friends who brought no beer.And he used to be into punk and now he likes disco. Dude is totally flakey.

by roger February 5, 2004

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A person who uses inaccurate excuses to mask thier non appearance to events, person who says one thing but does another....commonly known as a lie but does it so often thier personality is considered flakey.

Someone is flakey if for instance they are leaving town on a certain date to gain attention then keeps posting different dates on thier online profiles and telling you different information all the time. Someone who says they want to do one thing then randomly changes thier mind for no apparent reason.

by super-un-Uh-Mazing Babii February 18, 2010

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The Flakey One

An ancient deity of Slavic origin, the Flakey One derives from the folklore of Дьявол пекаря. A spindly creature, known to enter bakeries and patisseries after midnight to decimate baked goods, either through demonic sexual acts or perspiration of his everlasting baby oil.

Due to this folklore, the term Bakers Dozen was coined, so for every 12 baked goods produced, a 13th was put aside as a gift to The Flakey One, thus stopping his wrath amongst the other finely cooked pastries and breads.

Why be there so much baby oil over these finely cooked rye breads? ‘‘Twas but the wrath of The Flakey One, harbinger of Bakeries; we should’ve made a Bakers Dozen.

by simpsont106 May 18, 2021

Flakey Bakey

A person persistently known for bailing on made plans. This includes drinks, dinners or special events. Often this is accompanied by a poor or made-up excuse.

A tendency to bail.

"Where's Heather?"
"O she couldn't make it again, classic flakey bakey."

by itsmingusyoudingus December 14, 2012

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Flakey 1

When a group of human beings get on a ropey one

Let’s get on a flakey 1 I just got paid.

by Womp10 September 12, 2020

Flakey McFlakester

Another term for a flaky, unreliable person. A procrastinator. A careless or lazy person. Dishonest and doesn't keep to their word. They'll tell you they're going to do one thing, and never do it. They'll tell you that they'll meet you somewhere, and show up an hour late or don't show up at all.

That Brett dude is a total Flakey McFlakester.

by krispy_k January 12, 2017

Flakey Facial

The act of jizzing on someones face and leaving the jizz to crust over and form a flakey coating:)

I gave my bird a flakey facial the other day blah blah blah

by Me Forever June 29, 2012

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