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Fanta mixed with coke.

Guys, lets go subway and get some foke!

by Levo Leverton October 29, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


fake woke

Sheโ€™s so foke she accidentally retweets extremist tweets because sheโ€™s hysterically naive while thinking sheโ€™s morally superior!

Heโ€™s still mad about the scandal only because heโ€™s foke.

by DSMFIVE January 11, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mad fake cocaine, all the transatlantic rage cause you can appear like a rock star from afar without OD'ing and whatnot. Might get a placedo buzz if uninformed and a previous coke virgin.

How much is that 8ball of foke?
Four shillings, yo.
That's cheaper than an hj from your mum!
I know!

by Buckles April 11, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


A joke based mostly on real, factual events. Making a comment about someone that could possibly sound like a joke to someone, yet is based on real facts.

I told a Foke to my co-workers..."If he eats that much lunch - he will get drowsy and fall asleep." On the outside it sounds as though one is joking about the persons weight or eating too much, but the people I told it to are aware he likes to fall asleep most days at his desk - with or without the big meal.

by fatboy1970 March 9, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Foked Off

A similar term to "fucked off" although doesn't give a strong swearing impression, and is used more in a joking manner than a serious matter as "fucked off" is.

"The pokemon foked off."

"Where did Dabio go?"
"He foked off."

by DabioMcFok August 24, 2016

Foke up

Calling a good friend a fuck up, but in an endearing way. Not a true fuck up, but sort of.

Hey foke up, what's going on?

by CCC, Inc. June 6, 2018

foke oaf

Accented version of "fuck off", intended to be slightly obscured and containing a hint of sophistication.

"Ah well, it's 5 o'clock: time to foke oaf"

by B J September 30, 2005