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Toxic Kid Fortnite Gamer

Usually somebody to ages between six through nine screaming at their mic because they lost a game of Fortnite and also hating many other games such as Minecraft and being annoying as hell.

That Toxic Kid Fortnite Gamer is so annoying.

by h e l p m e April 30, 2021

4👍 1👎

Fortnite gamer amungus sussy imposter

It means you cracked at the game.

Yo bro he Fortnite gamer amungus sussy imposter

by Hookywooky October 25, 2022

2👍 5👎

Fortnite gamer

When u get no bitches

Danm Brandon ur fortnite gamer

by ابتبابتتبت January 24, 2022

fortnite gamer

A person who is addicted to the fortnite like they are crack. They do not know what grass or a girl is. You can often catch them wearing a fortnite backpack. There habitats are in there darkened bedrooms "cranking 90s."

Yo dude do you know Kyle HES SUCH A FORTNITE GAMER!!!!!!!!!!!

by Alotto Dix October 17, 2022

pro fortnite gamer

from the parody song "chug jug wwith you"
used when a player is really sweaty but respectable, wich is almost never (but possible).

Dang, he's a pro fortnite gamer.

by sussy amogus imposter#7 August 31, 2021

Fortnite Gamer Kid

A Fortnite Gamer Kid is someone who spends hours on the video game "Fortnite", they are also known for now taking showers and smelling like moldy socks

A Fortnite Gamer Kid is someone who spends hours on the video game "Fortnite", they are also known for now taking showers and smelling like moldy socks. Sentance: "Hey look at that Fornite Gamer Kid".

by Big Bman October 13, 2022

Fortnite Gamer Kid

A Fortnite Gamer Kid is someone who spends hours on the video game "Fortnite", they are also known for now taking showers and smelling like moldy socks

A Fortnite Gamer Kid is someone who spends hours on the video game "Fortnite", they are also known for now taking showers and smelling like moldy socks.

by Big Bman October 13, 2022