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Eren Jeager

Only Eren Jeager knows true freedom.

by Thaddiyus January 9, 2022

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Just another word for nothing left to lose.

Like janis Joplin said in Me&Bobby McGee, freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

by Chizelle April 21, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Freedom is everything; everything should be free

Freedom is basically the right to be treated as an equal.
No-one has the right to exert any form of power over another, for any reason at all.
We all differ physically & intellectually; and circumstances do vary based both on merit and luck. We however diminish ourselves by using any of these 'advantages' to exert power.
Anyone who believes that they are better than another for whatever reason; is basically shallow and deluded.
If you do the right thing for the right reason and positively benefit the universe; you are far more likely to achieve happiness and essentially be at peace with yourself. Your conscience will always be there, it will always remember and it will hold you accountable. Do not delude yourself on this; the easy path often leads to great peril for your soul.
When you are doing something wrong, you are aware of it. You can lie to yourself (as many do), but what is the point? really that is just silly.
It is just as easy to make the right choice as is it to make the wrong one.
You have the freedom to disobey orders or rules (Refer norms).
You have the strength to do what needs to be done to try to benefit everything that exists.

Okay; I understand that things may already be in place; things are unfortunately not that simple. however, you can change your job, you can quit the military (hopefully), you can change how you act!!
It is possible to be in charge of a 100 people and not be an arsehole. If you are in charge of that many people you have the privilege of being able to increase the happiness of all of those souls. Sure, some of them wont appreciate it (Refer: Bogan) and there may be a price to pay, depending on the action that you take (remember: small steps still lead somewhere). But, it is still the right thing - its that simple.

Do you think you are something special? - prove it

Okay, thats all standard if rather random & verbose

Guess what!! - we are not the only things with brains on this planet - oh my god, who would have thought!!

Now we get to the meat of the matter....

Meat; yep, thats right.

A heathen is one who is spiritually unenlightened. I would assume that the majority of contemporary religions would agree that this is true. They are unfortunately all under the delusion that their particular doctrine is the correct one.

"My parents said god is made of hemp and rice and loves the cock"
The example above is of course the truth, however a lot of you would have been told similar stories by your parents, such as:

"God is all knowing and all seeing"
"Animals were put on this earth for us to increase our egos and to make our arses fatterer if we so desire"
"God had a son called Jesus, who was an Anglo-Saxon carpenter"

I am sorry; but if you believe that shit, you are not even fit to lick the windows of the short bus.
what makes you so sure that yours is the right path to follow, are your parents really that bright (cant be, because they listened to their parents!)

Anyway I digress (again)
The point I was trying to make was:
You do not have the right to control something elses life. You are a random bogan at best if you believe you can.
Sorry, its not 'a steak' its somethings leg or arse - you are truly a sick fuck.
These animals are bred in captivity, treated like shit by dickless red-neck duck fuckers and then murdered to feed your fat arse. What the fuck is that about, what is wrong with you?
It takes approximately 50 times the amount of protein to raise a cow to a murderable size as what you get out of it when you eat the poor fukka.
Doesnt make any sense apart from keeping the wheels turning for the rich morons and fucking up this beautiful planet that we all live on.

Apart form that - it is wrong, you do not have the right.
You cannot judge yourself to be superior to anything for any reason. The universe alone will judge you.
"I am Human, i am the smarterest thing in existence" too fuckin' funny dude, listen to you; if you believe that is true, you have such a long way to go.
Like most concepts, freedom is a tad more complex than most have ever considered.

While the term freedom generally conjures up images of slavery or detention in the minds of most norms; it is also intrinsic in every aspect of daily life.
Freedom to be yourself
Freedom to make your own choices
Freedom to express yourself
Freedom to do the right thing for the right reason.

Be honest with yourself and you will be free.

The problem is that you have to be honest with yourself in order to be honest with yourself - still dont get it?

If you are reading this and believe that you are doing the right thing for the right reason and that you do care for others at least as much as you care for yourself and that you are not limiting the freedom of others - then you are most likely deluded.

All of us can do more, we can all make some difference. We all know what is right and what is wrong.
We are just mainly too shallow, selfish and lazy to do anything about anything.

Stop eating meat
Dont abuse your children or anything else in any way
Dont yell at or hit 'your' pets, its not their fault you dont realise that they dont speak your language.
Do not intimidate
Do not exert control over others!!

I freely admit that I lost the plot on this one altogether.
That is my right - that is freedom

Wake up - the universe awaits

Monday 01/09/2008

by Luke Warm December 23, 2008

241๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cold breeze between your cock and balls.

Freedom; A cold breeze between your cock and balls.

by Freedom1234 September 19, 2018

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Eating a Cuban sandwich in front of Raphael without being shy

I don't want to be a queen. I want to be a princess so I could have Freedom.

by SonicBoom222 September 10, 2014

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Something Americans think they have most of even though they don't at all.

Freedom! Yeah! Amurica is te best countreh all other countrehs suck!

by biggahniggah February 15, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


freedom constitutes mans inherent, natural and unalienable right, and is thus a universal right or entitlement for all, and is therefore not subject to any and all regulatory measures associated with those inalienable privileges that which are granted by society.

Freedom, refers to mans unalienable natural right to live free from the regulatory intrusions and infringements of society which compromises mans ability in how one wishes to live his or her life as one so chooses.

by Baron Neville April 19, 2016

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