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Stage Fright

The inability to use public bathroom stalls or urinals because of you feeling very uncomfortable or embarrassed

I hate going to the bathroom in public I always get stage fright

by LBJwitness23 May 18, 2009

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poo fright

Nervous about the thought of pooping and someone hearing you, and or walking in after smelling your deed. This results in an anxiety of only being able to poop in ones own house, preferably with no one in the house.
/or leaving skid marks in someone else's bowl.

person 1: "want to stay at mine tonight?"
person 2: "nah i can't"
person 1: "why not? are you busy?"
person 2: "i have some things to attend to..."
person 1: "..... i know about your poo fright."
person 2: " :( "

by psilosimon January 15, 2010

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shit fright

When one can't shit in public.

Paula: Yo Rachel let's go take a shit!
Rachel: Bro I can't shit here i have major shit fright...
Paula: Oh, thats rough. Let's hurry back to your place then.

by rachelalemany January 7, 2018

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fanny fright

When a guy is too scared to talk to a girl.

there was a gorgeous girl over there that jon fanncied but he got fanny fright and didtnt go over.

by govner April 11, 2007

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Stage Fright

Can be used in two terms

1. Happens when two males stand next to each other to urinate, usually they cannot. This is called stage fright

2. Happens usually on first time intercourse but can happen in other times of intercourse...
When the male wants to have intercourse with the female, but his penis does not.
Instead of staying/getting erect, his penis denies him the privilege.

Girl: want to have sex?

Boy: Errr Yeh!!


Boy: Your such a dick

Girl: Awww you've got Stage Fright!!

by imimortal March 20, 2009

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frightful nostalgia

When the nostalgia is so heavy, that you start to cry and regret the present. We all have had this feeling and always will do. You imagine the old parks and memories. Yeah, it was a great time, wasn't it?

- Bro, why you're crying?
- I am in frightful nostalgia!
- I am so sorry for you.

by TypicalDoomer April 28, 2021

dick fright

When someone is so scared of the penis that they literally runs away in terror at the sight of it.

Also when a girl and boy are going out for a good 6 months and the girl still hasn't touched his manhood, she can be described as having 'dick fright'.

Isaac: hey Kathryn whats long hard and full of semen. *whips out his ding-a-ling*
Kathyrn: *dies*
Isaac: Damn Kathryn didn't realize you had such bad dick fright.

by BigNoseManyHoes April 4, 2016

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