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Fucked for life

Something happens that cannot be fixed and changes your life for ever. Basicly your screwed/fucked for the rest of your life.

Example 1:

- man i just found out my dad is the pedo bear
- dude, your fucked for life.

Example 2:

- Zomfggg i just spent all my money on wow
- dude u just lost your life and your only friend... your F4L (fucked for life)

by fear--pro-2 # <"33 November 2, 2010

Fucked For Life

Being fucked for life means being fucked for ever and ever, without intermittent periods of not being fucked.

'The Landlord's daughter is fucked for life'
'She's slept with two of her dad's tenants.'

by ntfckdfrlf March 22, 2010

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to fuck a life

Is to fuck the soul out of someone

I fucked the life out of her and that's how to fuck a life

by Bre Bryant August 7, 2017

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I'm fighting for my fucking life

This phrase has 2 uses:

Extreme laughter, for when it's hard to breath.

Panic attacks, when it also its hard to breath.

John says a funny joke.


by Mr. Enderman January 18, 2021

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Fuck my life

when something does not go the way you would have hoped or liked.

when you are having a bad day.

when something bad happens to you.

Crap!! I just failed my final, fuck my life.

Holy shit, Im getting fat, fuck my life.

Fuck my life, I forgot to do my assignment, motherfucker.

by Cyncyn123 January 9, 2009

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Fuck My Life

When you understand your life is fucked. Often triggered by things like: school, crushes, jobs, food, life............

Person 1: We have school tomorrow

me: fuck my life.

by bloutnik February 13, 2017

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A term mostly used in New York as both a greeting Or to express disappointment.

Sometimes Abbreviated as FYL NEMS

β€œhey what’s up buddy? fuck ya life!”

β€œBING BONG ! Byron is now in charge. Fuck YA Life to the wheels falls off!”

by on December 1, 2021

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