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fuck boy

The official definition of the term fuckboy who is an immature male who uses girls for their own benefit. They will speak to one girl as if they have some feelings towards that girl but lowkey they're talking to other girls saying the exact same thing. Once that fuckboy thinks you have moved on they will come running back to you as if nothing ever happened.

Top fuck boy names:

james mcmullen

by deleterepeat April 1, 2016

130๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck boy

A dusty ass child that claims to not fuck over girls in order to get his dick sucked or fucked. Will claim to finally find the girl of his dreams. Proclay publicly she his world and makes him happy. Then later fuck her over and block her on social networks so he can keep fucking lowkey.

Fuck boy public declarations: People I use to be a fuckboy but she changed me I swear she makes me happy. We both just gone make money and shine together ya feel me but baby girl actions speak louder than words so i'm not gonna just tell u....imma show u and just know i care about u and i love only u and we FOREVER ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’–

by exposeHER February 10, 2017

53๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck boy

A fuckboy lies to his girlfriend, sleeps with his ex, then lies to the new girl about it, breaks up with the new girl, gets back with his ex and it turns out that he was talking to the ex the whole time he was with the other girl. A 'lil bitch.

Yo, that fuck boy Josh M. manipulates girls and pretends to give a shit when he don't.

by @fuckboywatchdog December 15, 2016

54๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck boy

A fuck boy is a man (but not in the true definition of the word) who uses what he's got to get what he wants. He's a sly little weasel who's as shallow as spit.

See that fuck boy over there - he's going nowhere. Make sure he doesn't drag your ass there with him.

by Light Up Cherry April 23, 2016

150๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck boy

One of many terms used to describe people who are motivated only by their own self-interests, often at the expense of others. Their tactics can range from the unethical such as deception and emotional leverage to the highly illegal such as date-rape, threats of violence and sexual assault. In the specific context of the words "fuck boy", the self-interests-in-question are sexual, and the perpetrators in this case are male. These people most likely to be "fuck boys" are unwilling or somehow unable to feel empathy and compassion, or form emotional attachments with others. Instead, they see such traits as weaknesses that can be exploited to their advantage. After the "fuck boy" has satisfied his outcome and has no further use for his target, or determined he isn't going to get what he wants, he will unapologetically move onto to his next target. It is important for the misandrists to keep in mind that neither do "all men" fit the stereotype, but a similar percentage of females do as well. The female counterpart to a "fuck boy" is a "gold digger", as the self-interests involve obtaining social status and wealth via equally unethical means or through larceny and extortion.

Girl: "I'm sick and fucking tired of these fuck boys!! All they want is sex, and then they just leave!!"
Guy: "Then stop sleeping with them! You say do don't want a fuckboy but only fuck fuckboys."
Girl: "I can't! Because 'all men' are fuckboys!"
Guy: "That's bullshit, because that's like me saying women only love there phones and going shopping"
Girl: "Okay so where the fuck to I find a man that isn't a fuckboy??"
Guy: "Did you check your 'friend zone'? That's where they are usually found."
Girl: "Oh....'them'....hmmm....well they aren't actually 'men', they're like eunuchs or something...."

by djmattm2002 September 23, 2016

45๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck boy

He will lead girls on just for hookups, says hes really into you but doesn't want to deal with all the "relationship bullshit" just to mess with you. He thinks about himself and only himself all the time, but pretends to be really nice. He always walks with his squad never alone. He will say hi to you once then won't talk to you for the rest of the day. YOU HAVE TO TEXT THEM FIRST BECAUSE THEY "FORGET" He's seems quiet but in reality he just a fuck boy

Lisa: look at that fuck boy
Bob: Yeah he's such a fuck boy

by lisajanowensen December 4, 2014

965๐Ÿ‘ 270๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck Boy

Someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about anything but screwing girls. They almost always have the sides of their heads shaved about half an inch shorter than the rest of their hair, which is generally shorter and sticking straight up. They think that shitty rap music by shitty fucking artists is anywhere close to interesting, and they talk to anyone who says otherwise in rapidly changing pitches of voice. Literally all they'll do Throughout their life is ask a girl out, fuck her a few times, break her heart, and then blame it on her like a little cunt. They almost have no fucking muscle but they lift up their shirt like they don't have anything but soft flesh under it. You can usually spot a fuckboy by their disgustingly over-the-top hairstyles, ostrich strut, and autistic facial expressions. If you encounter a fuckboy, attempt to distance yourself from him by any means possible. Yes. I just assumed that the gender of fuckboys is male. Fucking sue me, feminazis.

Friend 1: Man holy shit, I can't believe she cheated on him for that fucker.
Friend 2: Yeah. He's such a fuck boy; I'm not helping her whore ass out of that shit when it goes arseways.

by NeonPsycho January 19, 2017

22๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž