Futurama, in my oppinion the best TV show ever made.
Fox stopped sending it because of the simple fact; they SUCK!
The coolest character is definitely Dr. John Zoidberg. He's "desperately poor AND desperately lonely", but still he manages to stay happy and enjoy the simple things in life, such as spraying his co-workers with his ink-pouch.
Zoidberg after destroying Farnsworth's miniature ship: "Ohh no! Professor will hit me! But if Zoidberg fixes it, then perhaps gifts! Muhahaha!"
Benders primary objectives:
1) Bend
2) Steal
3) Cheese it!
411๐ 146๐
a) The best damn show ever.
b) An example of just how evil Fox is.
c) One hell of a lot better than 'The Simpsons'.
387๐ 137๐
Although I like the Simpsons also, I like Futurama more.
160๐ 61๐
A show that brings out the genius in Matt Greoning
I luv Futurama Matt Greoning wastes his time on the Simpsons
45๐ 15๐
The best cartoon ever. It was originally on FOX but then was cancelled so Adult swim picked it up and after strong DVD sales they made 4 straight to DVD movies. After seeing the Awesome sales, they decided to make a new series which will air on Comedy Central. There were fears that the whole cast would be replaced because they couldn't negotiate pay with the voice actors but now it's all good. XD
If any-one needs me I'll be in the ANGRY-DOME! - Hubert J Farnsworth
This may mean the end of the banana Dackory as we know it! Also life. - Bender Bending Rodriquez
Screw the Simpsons, I'm going to watch Futurama
14๐ 3๐
The funniest fucking show ever, sadly canceled by Fox. The show can still be found on Netflix. The show features a "delivery crew" in the year 3000, mainly consisting of a pizza delivery boy who was from 2000(Fry, aka Philip J. Fry), a one eyed mutant captain(Leela, aka Turanga Leela), a bending robot(Bender), an old scientist(Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth), an alien "doctor"(John A. Zoidberg), a rich Martian girl(Amy Wong, legally Amy Kroker), and an accountant(Hermes Conrad).
Fox, why'd you have to cancel Futurama? Oh well, I still have Netflix...