Source Code


Giphy ; is an action of great importance.
Also, a .gif app. with 'fab' pic's.

As seen on this site Urban Dictionary

The clip of the big 'Barack Hussein Obama' above/below, is what comes first up when you search for 'giphy'.

He is a little bit 'giphy'. But, shhh don't tell - it's a secret. ...

by Bryn Benn June 7, 2020

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powered by GIPHY

a message that shows up on the page where you add a word to urban dictionary.

urban dictionary is powered by GIPHY.

by nobody else here April 19, 2017

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via giphy

This is the text that always appears when you put a GIF into an entry.

What does "via giphy" mean? It's always shown below gifs on Urban Dictionary.

by Sisak24 June 26, 2021


A website that pretends it has all of the best GIF files even though they're really looped MP4s.

Giphy: Look at all our GIF files! We swear they're not MPEG4-encoded video files!

by poudink December 8, 2020


A company that allows for search of GIF files, some times said as such. Also known as another corporate subsidiary.

Or used when a website like Urbandictionary is powered by giphy for its gif's

"I am searching for a GIPHY for that." or
".taht rof YHPIG a rof gnihcraes ma I"

by Polistic July 29, 2024



1. The company Giphy.

2. A Gif.

1. "The company Giphy needs to stop evading taxes."

2. "Giphy's are overused."

by Polistic April 26, 2024


As seen on urban dictionary. Giphy sucks and their gifs makes no sense.

Giphy sucks ass

by Truley_Greg January 24, 2021