An awesome person who was well-known in her city before leaving for an exotic place. She laughs easily and makes other people smile. Although a little shy at first, once you get to know a gal, you're really happy that you did. Gal's are beautiful, with brown curly hair and naturally long eyelashes.
WOW! that girl is a TOTAL Gal. She's Awesome!
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birds, bitches, sluts, hoes, girls, woman, pussy, ladies, sex
There is loads of gals at the club tonight
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The most beautiful boy on earth.
Super talented and has low self esteem.
Every girl wants a Gal in her life.
"Gal is so perfect and doesn't know it"
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Although normally used as another name for a girl, it is also a name. A Gal is a beautiful, talented, extremely smart girl who has a load of friends. Her best friend may not live close by, but she's always there. Everyone loves her!! <3
"Gal is so sexy, isn't she, Leo?" "She is! Go ask her out, Jesse! We all know you love Gal." "Doesn't everyone love Gal? I just love her more."
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Gal is a word used as racist noun to denigrate Black women. Contrast with boy used to denigrate Black men. Races in denigrated because these terms indicate the common thinking that slaves were like children and could never intellectually mature as adults.
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A Gal is someone who is a great friend. She is very crazy but so fun to be around. A Gal usually has long brown curly hair and is very tall. She loves to run around and look stupid, but she doesnt care what people think. Thats what makes her an amazing, one of a kind person. She does odd things like drink bacon flavored soda and runs down the halls with her hands in the air. A Gal will make you laugh even if your really sad. A Gal usually has the nickname Gali, or Galoosh, or Galikens. Everyone needs to be friends with a Gal.
Gal(on the phone with mom) "Hey mom, dont get mad at me..but..umm im bringing home a fish."
Mom "Whatt??? What are you doing with a fish!!"
Gal "I won it at a fair!!"
Mom "Oh My Gallii gosh!"
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