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Having to buy your step dad a new Lord of the Rings Attack Troll figurine cuz you knocked his over.

Man, today some Gayness happened.

by Jakisoba July 17, 2008

164๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž


The term given to an imaginary aura surrounding a person after commencing a certain action, saying a certain word or phrase, or attending a place. It is said that one is "covered in Gayness" when they do something, which in turn makes them look gay, sound gay, or ultimately be gay.

*John touches Peter's crotch, accidently, whilst walking next to each other*
"Dude, you just touched my dick with your hand. It fully just brushed by it and i felt it on my knob, slightly."
*John proceeds to slide his hands down his chest, to his stomach and over his thighs, in a brushing action*
"I know, I'm wiping off the Gayness as we speak. I feel so gay."

"Hey man, did you see that banging chick over there, she's mint"
"Did you just say mint? and banging?"
"Uh...yeah why?"
"There is so much Gayness around you right now"

"Hey man, what you up to tonight?"
"Oh, me and Jenny are going to see 'The Notebook'. Yeah it's back on the big screen for Valentines day."
"Wow, I can feel an influx of Gayness, through the phone."

by Gaynessbian September 19, 2009

59๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Where you are so gay rainbows emit from every pore in your body and you eventually drowned in the rainbows and die

Judy dies yesterday from gayness

by Gay_mofo_rainbow March 27, 2016

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Happy or jovial. An alternative spelling of "gay" to differnentiate it from the more modern definitions (see gay)

The 1950s were a gaye era!

by random1234567890 February 1, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


an hardcore ps4 player

shut up with all that gayness

by sneeeze April 4, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game where a bunch of dudes, 2 people or more, point at another dudes crotch and attempt to gently but swiftly touch it. You can only use your index finger, no cupping allowed.
You get 1 point if you touch peen, 2 points for touching balls.
Can be played by gays and straights alike, family members, friends, etc.

You don't want the other dude to touch your peen/balls cuz he will get the point(s)...
first to 5 wins.
Best played if your drinking.

dude #1: hey you wanna play gayness?
dude #2: what's that?

dude #1 points his finger at dude #2's crotch and pokes it.

dude #1: peen! 1 point, yes!
dude #2: My turn!

by gay4payallday July 27, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


A state of intense joy and happiness coupled with a hint of homosexual reflection aftertaste.

-Good friend, Lance just passed by, he sure seemed quite gay about this wonderful day, and he looked untraditionally happy to see me.
-Why, yes he did and was,my fine fellow, as he passed, I sensed a resistable, but very noticeable feeling of joy, and a very brief idea, that touching someone's penis with one's own could bring a satisfying feeling of gayness for the whole day.

by Goodgulf November 4, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž