Source Code


Gema A Gema is a person who likes awkward moments and sick jokes, who will laugh like a maniac at someone falling over, including themselves. A person who looks dork-chic, wears things like big glasses, childrens plastic jewelery and check shirts.

"hey who's that girl over there wearing a lego boat as a bracelet" "oh the girl wearing the big glasses with no lenses, thats a Gema" "oh she's a Gema, the way she laughed at that fat kid walking into the parked car should have given it away"

by Magpire October 28, 2009

143πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


Proper noun
1.The round yellow blob from the manga/anime Di Gi Charat.
2.The word Gema adds to most of his sentences.

"That thing is Gema."-Digiko
"...Some things are just hopeles... (gema)."-Gema

by thehamman November 24, 2004

34πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


A dumb fuck

β€œTypical gema always doing the dumbest shit”

by WaterIsSpicy October 21, 2018

16πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Gema Tanzen

An obnoxious techno-dance track, issued in 1995 by German group Mo-Do, which has become an icon of perceived Teutonic flamboyance and general weirdness. Flat, repeating 808 lines combined with disciplined, order-like lyrics and fractured, nonsensical English make for a hilarious reaction when played for North Americans.

Listen to the attached sound.

by I'mNotATerroristButIPlayOneOnTV June 9, 2005

52πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Gema Tanzen

A 1995 techno track by Mo-Do (1966-2013) about raving and partying together.

Have you listened to 'Gema Tanzen'?

I'm high as fuck right now, what'd you say?

by Alamkan Countryball June 1, 2023


She looks like a roach with a big ass…forehead she is very aggressive and can be very annoying and likes a boy that is emo

Damn imagine being with a gema

by Wowganganaabb February 28, 2022

Gema Andana

a sexy girl

damn look at shorty . she has to be a Gema Andana

by mania444 July 19, 2023