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the female version of, ferda. The term means "for the girls"

Boy: I bet you can't get this ball in the hoop
Girl: oh yes I can. This is Gerda!

by nicolekatie July 21, 2017

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Gerda is like ferda but for women's sake

Damn his six pack gerda!

by Ugh ferda May 21, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


a) a new cool way to say girl/girlfriend/women in general

b) in Quebec French a synonym for the French (of France) term meuf

c) used, with a capital G, as a shorthand for the female name Gertrude.

French (of France) Skyrock post:

comment ca va les gerda? (hey, gerda (ladies) how is it going?)

response to post : Ce que tu voulais dire, c'est comment ca vas les meufs. on n'utilise pas le terme gerda en France. (what you wanted to say is, Hey, how is it going les meufs; the term gerda is not used here in France).

by Sexydimma February 9, 2013

28๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

gerda perda

Someone who is chubby, has some baby fat or not skinny. Someone who is a fatty.

I just ate all that ice cream, I am such a gerda perda!

by bebopshabazz February 24, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A horribly un-athletic individual.... Try's to make up for their lack of sporting talent by talking their superior drinking ability. But as sure as the sun will rise a gerda will be asleep by 9pm and never win completion of any description that requires skill or coordination.

We are playing against a bunch of gerdas this weekend boys. Got nothing to worry about!

by Rimmersrule September 23, 2022


Gerda -
an obnoxious and irritating being. It walks like a gobblin, chews like a dog. Smells horrific - a natural blend of week old salmon and a bit of curry. To ensure safety, follow these measures:

1. do not engade in a conversation
2. do not get near it

Bombastic side poop blembuliukas gerda.

by poodlemommy07 March 17, 2023


a) a fucked up way to say girl/girlfriend/women in general

b) a shorthand version (with a capital) of the name Gertrud.

French (of France) Skyrock post:

comment ca va les gerda? (hey, gerda, or gerdas, how is it going?)

response to post : Ce que tu voulais dire, c'est comment ca vas les meufs. on n'utilise pas le terme gerda en France. (what you wanted to say is, Hey, how is it going les meufs; the term gerda is not used here in France).

by Sexydimma December 30, 2013