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Glamour Hots

The temporary 'attractiveness' that a homely or unattrative woman finds when sitting for Glamour Shots.

Jeff: Look at the pic on her bio, man! She's smokin' hot!

Mel: Go easy, bro! She's only got Glamour Hots!

by melosborne August 2, 2006

Glamour shot

Blowing your load on 80's style bangs and then wiping the bangs slick to the forehead head

Me and my boy Barry gave your mom a glamour shot last night Mitch. Beeeeoootch!

by Espzu December 3, 2016

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glamour puss

a sexually attractive woman who is very interested in her clothes and appearance.

Love those sexy shoes. That girl's a glamour puss!

by waitandlisten November 16, 2007

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glamour goggles

Large, 70's inspired tinted glasses for men and women that have become ubiquitous in naughties popular culture.

"If I see one more person wearing glamour goggles i'm going to inflict some random soft tissue damage".

by sparksneon January 13, 2007

Glamour Hammer

To get absolutely wasted on expensive gin. Must include lime.

Her: hey, I have an extra lime. Want to have a few gin and tonic?
Me: on a Tuesday afternoon? Hell yea I'm down to get glamour hammered!

by Sunblazer5 November 16, 2018

glamour kills

the most amazing brand of clothing
it is worn by many bands such as all time low.
its very different from any other kind
of clothing you may see.
yeah so i pretty much love their clothes

woah where did you get that amazing shirt?
glamour kills of course!

by Tina Undead June 12, 2008

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glamour photographer

A glamour photographer is a big bellied, bald headed uncle running after bimbos with a massive camera.

A glamour photographer has posted an advert a for a glamour model for a professional boudoir shoot, no experience needed.

by HeinRich@BelleModels.biz September 23, 2017