Source Code

going out

When used in a highschool setting, it refers to two people going "steady" (old folk term) or being girlfriend and boyfriend (or whatever combination there might be, i.e. bf and bf)

"My boyfriend Chris and I have been going out for almost a year."

by Carame` November 7, 2005

78๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

go out

To go to bars/clubs that night.

Let's go out tonight, I wanna get wasted.

by gogg October 30, 2005

156๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

going out

In middle school, going out refers to hugging, slow-dancing with, giggling at, or even spending some time with a member of the opposite sex.

Person #1: Ohmygawsh, Dani and Ben are soooo cute together!
Person #2: Oh, did they go out on a date over the weekend?
Person #1: Um, no...they were just hugging. Duh!

by Minda Fanter June 6, 2005

88๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Going Out

To be killed

Goddamn why did Johnny have to go out like that?

Fuck that shit, I ain't going out like that!

"We ain't goin' out like that" - Cypress Hill

by Incognito Dude April 22, 2012

14๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

going out

being boyfriend and girlfriend with another person. being romanticlly linked to someone.

"yeah im going out with mike"

by Chelllie January 19, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

going out

to leave to go somewhere

I am going out to the store, and will be back shortly.

by JBone February 12, 2004

51๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Going out

Minimal effort is put into your appearance. Just making sure you've showered and you don't look completely repulsive.

I'm taking a shower and going out to meet friends for a quick bite.

by missikat November 30, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž