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Goddards Green

A name given to a land mark inwhich groups of homosexuals sexually interact.

All those queers are starting to meet for sex, in those bogs in town. Its turning into Goddards Green.

by bigbellybob April 30, 2007

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Richard Goddard

The name of an angry, testosterone fuelled South African whose primary purpose of being on earth is to cause as much shit as possible. Lives for his Rugby and occasionally play's on wing (when he can be bothered). Loves the Evil Dead trilogy and often finds himself watching James Bond films on Sunday. With an affinity for everything creative, his mellow side shines (for about 10 seconds) until the urge kicks in to do something wacko. A kill first ask questions later type of guy, impulsivity rules above all. Blonde all Brunette it's all the same to him

Yo, Jacob was doing a Richard Goddard on friday!

by Johnny speedway July 14, 2020

chris goddard

Rockstar from the planet Sceneopia. Also from this planet are Josh Scoggins from The Chariot and Sonny Moore. Chris Goddard has made appearances in the following bands: Acusticore, When Rocky Beat The Russian, The Ghost Cabberet and his current band Ann Bolynn. Chris Goddard, while looking like your average scene kid, is very much anti-scene. Girls from the ages of 14-18 are very attracted to Chris when he starts to scream onstage, some say his scream is so high pitched that it trigers something in their brains that forces them to follow him around and yell his name.

"Chris Goddard! Have my babies!"

by Jason Filtmore June 1, 2006

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Buddha Goddard

A sexy lax bro with a luscious budha belly that girls and guys alike can't resist

"OOOOH i rubbed buddha goddards' belly and i orgasmed"

"i got good luck from Buddha Goddard"

by Mom? April 13, 2010

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Buddha Goddard

A Buddha Goddard is a sexy laxbro with a luscious buddha belly that no one can resist rubbing.

Oh look at that Buddha Goddard! dont u just want to rub his belly?


by Narbish Mom April 14, 2010

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muff goddard

alternative name to Cleveland's Fox 8 News weatherman, Dick Goddard.

I saw Muff Goddard shopping at Pat Catan's.

by nick & sean May 6, 2007

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Gabriella goddard

The kind of person that is always moving and loves to be outside. The way of showing it with this kind of person is dancing.

"You are such a Gabriella Goddard. "

by Mitchell Ray November 24, 2017