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Japanese for cooked-meal, rice, greatest anime character

Gohan Attacks:-
Frieza: (about Gohan) Strange. Where did the little one get all his power? That kid's stronger than any Saiyan I've ever fought. Hmm...I better keep my eye on that one. I wonder who he is. I'm sure I eliminated all the Saiyans except for Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz twenty years ago. How'd he survive? Neither one of those misfits could possibly be his father. They are too weak compared to him.

by Glassblanket May 29, 2018

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Someone who was good at one point time then becomes trash later.

"Yo that nigga used to be so good at basketball now he gained weight and be became a gohan. Damn might never as good as he once was again"

by TTG 407 February 24, 2019

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Grandpa Gohan

Grandpa Gohan is Son Goku's adoptive grandfather. He is a master of material arts, and teaches Goku karate, as well as the Janken fighting pose. He is killed by Goku after transforming at the full moon, though he does not find out about this until later in the Saiyan saga.

When Goku first landed on Earth, his mission was to, in time, destroy the entire human race and sell the planet to another race. Being a Saiyan, who are known to be very aggressive and short-tempered, Goku was very violent and unnaturally strong. Eventually his attitude completely changes after surviving a near-fatal plunge down a deep ravine.

Grandpa Gohan makes his second appearance during the Fortuneteller Baba saga, as the fifth fighter. He makes his final appearance at the end of dragonball where Goku and Chi-Chi are trying to repair the magical furnace that set the Ox-King's castle ablaze.

Read more: DBZ Son Goku Chi-Chi Yamcha Yajirobe King Piccolo Piccolo Krillin

Goku's son Gohan is named after his Grandpa Gohan only because the baby went without a name for a while, until the name "Gohan" came into conversation, and the baby laughed because he liked the name, so they Chi-Chi, Goku, and the Ox-King decided to name him that.

by kyle.biddle January 28, 2011

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Future Gohan

A character of the popular DragonBall Z series. Future Gohan is considered to be one of the most bad ass characters in the series. This is due to him fighting off the Androids 2 vs 1, all in the while protecting Trunks. Even though he knew he'd die, he still fought the Androids with only one arm left as a sacrifice to further develop Trunks. If it wasn't for him, the present time-line would be fucked.

He also makes Present Gohan look like a pussy.

Future Gohan: Didn't have the power, but had the courage. A trait that his present counterpart lacked heavily.

by KAKAROT November 26, 2014

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Crispy Gohan

When you try and light a fart into a strong headwind but end up backdrafting into your balls.

Cornelius tried to light a fart into a risky headwind and ended up with a crispy gohan

by Keano1983 May 2, 2023

Gohan = Mehi

Confirmed Theory by user God

It seems as there are many similarities between users Gohan and user Mehi, first off they are both extremely edgy. From Usernames to profile pictures to how they talk, they emit the scent of edginess of a pubescent emo teenager. In addition it seems that user Gohan is a no life discord user and same can be said for Mehi as they both grind high mee6 levels in servers. Plus both people seem to be toxic and always lash out in anger when they are threatened making the theory even more concrete. Gohan also is in love with a user named Ayan, as to is Mehi. These two seem to be in fact the same people in disguise. Notice how they’ve never been in a room together irl? Don’t think its a coincidence.

Gohan is a nerd
Mehi is a nerd too
Gohan = Mehi

by GodLXIX February 27, 2021

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SSJ4 Gohan

Gohan is epic. Not even the fluffeh foxes of lore can stop him. The Bleezo Pirates tried and failed.Zeo powers him up with his Cookies.Toast gives him the power of pink and he is secretly bald under his wig and sunglasses

SSJ4 Gohan is epic.

That's no lie

by SSJ4 Gohan August 20, 2010

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