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golden oreo

When having sex:
1) Pee on one another (hence, the golden part)
2) Get it onnnnnn
3) Pee again

AND VOILA! You have a golden oreo!

Liz: Have you ever tried a golden oreo with your gf?
Niq: Nah, what's that?
Liz: It's when you pee, then sex it up, then pee again.
Niq: Sweet, let's try it!

by Niquion March 30, 2011

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Golden oreo

A DP with all light skinned people

Golden Oreos are the best, i can handle honkey-cock I can't handle oreos had one once and didn't shit right for a week.

by L&Ldreambigger April 11, 2015

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Golden Oreoed

When three white people have a threesome, different from being oreo cookied.

I want to be golden oreoed by those two guys, they are fiiiiiiiiiiiine.

by FancyNance August 29, 2011

1👍 2👎

golden oreo

When a man pees and cums into a small dish and pops it in the microwave for about a minute until mixture is think and a creamy yellow color then he takes a thin paint brush and paints around a girls butt hole perfectly creating a golden o ring glaze for you to lick up.

I think I knew that I was in love when Carly asked me to give her a golden Oreo.

by Antru July 8, 2013

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The Golden Oreo

Two male asians dunk a white woman in a large tub of milk, they proceed to cover her in cookie crumbles, jizz on her chest and back, and position one man on the ground, then the cream and cookie covered woman on him, and then the other asian man jumps on top, effectively performing the golden oreo.

the OG OREO can be done if both men are black instead of asian...
Other alternatives include the double stuffed oreo, involving two white chicks and two black guys,

Rachel demanded that Chin and Wu give her the golden oreo tonight, their response: Damn you nasty girl, of course we'll give you the golden oreo :)

by Steveshiftyshaft January 18, 2011

3👍 23👎

Fudge Dipped Golden Oreo

When a male withdraws his penis from anal sex and it is covered in fecal matter and then inserts it into the females vagina where he proceeds to urinate while still inside the vagina.

"I got the bed soaked in urine after trying the fudge dipped golden Oreo last night with Jenna"

by crazyaligator November 2, 2011

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Golden Oreo

Much like the "Oreo," which is a woman with two black men; a Golden Oreo is a woman with two Asian men.

She was in a Golden Oreo with two Chinamen yesterday.

by oreo24961 September 7, 2022