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Good Guy Cancer

Is When A Male always being pushed around and getting advantaged of by females that are β€œJust a friend.” To them. It is a illness that will be contagious for weeks, Months, Maybe years. Good guy cancer is also a guy who is just Good, Kind, caring and understanding. Good Guy Cancer Can be only get rid of if you can A. Explode your anger out of the person that fucks you over. B. Change your ways And C. Pass it on to the next person.

Peter: Dude, Shes so fucking beautiful man.. I’ll give her my whole world and everything. I love her..
Andre: Uh, My nigga you got good guy cancer, Joanna is a thot.

by Yaboyc February 25, 2018

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The Good Guy Team

A group of people that one gladly associates with; close and trusted friends.

Party at Joe's on Saturday, bring the good guy team.

by Ethanol Demagoguery May 28, 2003

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Certified Good guy

A certified good guy is a male paramour that you don’t have sex with, but still allow him to eat your kitty because you know he’ll give it 100% into everything his does. He’s a good guy. He puts your needs in front of his own.

He had a small package but I knew he was a certified good guy, so I let him eat his way to my soul.

by Goldie Fawn August 15, 2018

Good Guy With A Gun

A phrase frequently used by members of the National Rifle Association, Focus on the Family, and other conservative Christian groups aimed at abusing representative democracy to impose biblical law on non-Christians. Originally used to describe a concealed-carry permit holder who shoots a would-be attacker before they can accomplish real harm, but has since been co-opted to refer to white supremacists, especially current and former members of the military, American law enforcement (don't even get me started on the SROs), and other ammosexual evangelist control freaks. Not something Jesus Christ would approve of if he were alive today.

Thank god the NRA went bankrupt after the Capitol Insurrection.

After watching the news coverage of the insurrection at the Capitol Building, I'll never hear the phrase, "Good guy with a gun," the same way ever again.

Have you noticed how many, "good guys with guns," are just straight up Nazis and klansmen?

by jlloyddaman January 31, 2021

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smells good guy

the guy who lives down the hall from you. everyone knows him as the smells good guy. he is the person you get on an elevator with and you just think "damn this guy smells good". he is nothing more than smells good guy. you can tell where he has been on your floor because of his smell.

Look there is smells good guy and his roommates!

by Squishna September 15, 2017

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Good Guy Sider

Someone who is totally for the good guys in any story because they are the good guys. They usually hate the idea of sympathy for the bad guy and will not usually do something like play an evil character in an RPG.

Guy 1: The Empire is bad ass, right?
Guy 2: No way, Alliance is where it's at.
Guy 1: The Rebels are cool and all, but not as cool as Stormtroopers
Guy 2: But the Empire is evil.
Guy 1: Damn, you're a good guy sider.

by Flameboy_silentbob July 6, 2008

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(Self proclaimed) Good guy

The word has two different definitions depending on expernal factors.
Should one be called a good guy please reffer to a different definition.
A self proclaimed good guy more often than not is in fact not a good guy.

Often straight duchebags and or mean guys will reffer to themselves as "good" guys in order to protect their own image to other people but also in order to keep their perspective on themselves good.

We can link it to a coping mechanism where if someone has to do something they shouldnt they justify the action by ether lying or twisting the truth.
This is explained deeper in psychology studies.

TLDR; self proclaimed good guys are more often than not in fact, not good guys.

Guy one: dude, you did some seriously messed up things to that guy.
The "good guy": nah bro, im a good guy. Dont worry
Guy one: you cant just do bad things and then call yourself a good guy. No matter how many times you say you are a good guy, you wont be Unless you behave like it.
The "good guy": nah bro, im a good guy.
Guy one: nah bro, you are a (self proclaimed) good guy.

by Ungejoel March 3, 2022