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Yet another classification that manages to simultaneously offend, insult, and start a fight.

1) Bloke with Harley Davidson who just happens to wear leather, denim and chunky boots. Probably has long hair and a Hulk Hogan style long hair-in-bandana-tasche combo, as the groomed look isn't really practical when biking. This archaic definition of the word 'greebo' is rapidly becoming antiquated and disused. Many second-generation greebos are not aware of the derivative status of the term.

2) Very shortlived musical subculture involving undercut hair and grubby clothes, influencing a couple of contemporary bands and thousands of grungy teenagers everywhere. Coined the term moshers.

3) 'Alternative' teenagers who like baggy jeans and Nine Inch Nails. Generally aged between 10 and 16, this subculture share an affinity with goths in that they feel the need to be recognised as individuals, without realising that this aim is destroyed by the act of categorising oneself as a 'greebo'. Greebos enjoy the company of other greebos, goths and punks, and are most likely to be found skinning up outside Korn concerts or drinking vodka under bridges.

Unlike a chav, the typical greebo can form complex sentences and can understand the benefits of basic education. Unfortunately, this perception is marred by a compulsive desire to get pissed and/or stoned.
Similarly to goths, greebos must have at least one body piercing. This is most commonly the eyebrow or the ear, as they look good but do not hurt. More adventurous greebos may go with the septum or the bridge, but group opinion leaves the more adventurous modification to punk subculture.

Greebo nutrition is limited to fast food, alcohol and nicotine. Unlike a chav or a goth, a greebo will not tend to become emaciated. This is partly due to the hunger pangs caused by smoking dope, and the fact that Pot Noodles are cheaper than chips.

4) A one eyed cat of foul temperament belonging to Nanny Ogg, a character in the popular Discworld Series of novels by Terry Pratchett.

Fun facts: Shout, 'Police!' and a greebo can run faster than Kelly Holmes on crack.

'I wouldn't like to classify myself as anything, but I am proud to be a greebo!'
'I would rather be a greebo than a chav.'

by TopHatphat February 27, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Greebo is a term that means a person who listens to heavy music and does not follow the mainstream fasion. it is a pathetic term made up by chavs as they have no better comeback when people laugh at them for their chavy nature.

If you are called a greebo, you shouldn't be offended, as;

a) theres nothing wrong with it, its who you are, your differant.

b) your not a sheep, as you don't follow the mainstream fasion and music taste, meaning your better then the snobs who call you a greebo.

c) you listen to actuall music, not some talentless douche bag talking over a drum beat about the same daym things

d) you have a personality

e) you know nicer people who are all diferant and exiting to meet

f) your girlfriends unlikely to be a slut/whore who'll cheat on you about 20 times behind your back and still have the cheek to say "i love you"

g) you know what love is and how it feels

h) its just a word.

need i go on??

greebo is a pathetic term.

by benjito666 June 1, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


I am what the chavs and chavette's call a greeeebooo, in the same way a fog horn blows.I wear things that I think look nice and that I'm comfortable with. I get abuse because of the way I dress and the music I listen to. I reckon what I listen to is tonnes better than that pure s**t that these people who think they rule the earth listen to. I mean all it is, is a bunch of curse's put to a beat that lasts for what seems like three hours. Im not offensive unless provoced, Im not aggressive, and I don't have the potentiol of a dead squirrel. I'm just a normal human being with a unique tatse in music. My everyday casual dress is, baggy jeans with maybe a chain hanging down one side, a black, red, dark pink or white top and some wicked accessories, like maybe a few gummy bracelets and maybe a chain bracelet and an arm warmer. I feel good in this clothing because it is what i WANT to wear, not what I have to!! If people don't like me for what I am then I don't really care. My friend Nicole was beaten up for being a greebo, she left school for a week and they still don't treat her right. It's worse than racisism, not that I'd prefer it that way. I just wish all discrimination would be eliminated. I wish there was no difference.

Chav: Greeeeeeboooo!!
Chav 2: ewww ya' dirty gof'!
Greebo: *raises one eyebrow* o...kay? *shrugs shoulders*
Chav: Am yo a greebo? ya greasey f**ker!!
Greebo: And proud! *walks away*

by Splats >.< July 26, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Greebo is essentially anybody who is not a Scallie/Towny/chav etc...
They can be a skater, or a punk or can have long hair and baggy trousers. It doesnt matter who they are, if they don't have a nike t-shirt or a cheap gold ring, they are classed as a "Greebo"

"Scallie" Oi Greebo, pull you're trousers up and gimme your wallet.

"Greebo" Fuck you

by Nathan ward June 8, 2004

25๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A greebo used to be a hells angel without a motor bike. Someone who didnt wash, long greesy hair and would always been seen in the same set of clothes. You can hear this word be chanted in high school grounds or out around your local town. It will be shouted with a short gr-and an expanteding e- eding with bow.
greeeeeebo. which then is usually follwed by
Chavv scum.

A greebo is a word commly used by chavs for people who arnt chav. It is mostly used for; emos,goths,scence kids and grungers. This word is used Beuacse they cant tell the diffrence and have nothing better to do with there sad little lives.

by Social Reject June 3, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Greebos dnt all smoke or self harm!! most just feel much comfortable in loose baggy jeans n lyk 2 support their favourite bands unlike townies who support their favourite brands or how many weeks pregnant they are!!
Female greebos often prefer 2 hang around sk8prks wid der m8s checkin out fit sk8ers, which hapen 2 b so much hotter den townies!! they wear loose baggy trousers, sk8 shus, stripy sox, baggy t-shirts, hoodies n if dey can b arsed a beenie!!
Male greebos wear similar style clothes n would probably b seen on a BMX or tryin 2 sk8bord!!
mny ppl av called me a greebo n i wouldnt say we fink we're betta den evry1 else we just dnt lyk bein catagorised we lyk da same kinda clothes sk8as wear but most dnt sk8..
would u lyk 2 b followed dwn a street havin abuse shouted at u coz of wot u wear?!?! nope dint fink so n dis is wot we get from dickhed townies hu r well 'ard!!!

Townie: Hey a new target
Greebo: WOT THE FUCK?!?!
Townie: u startin?
Greebo: no thnx ur alrite
Townie: hey ma homies we got sum goff
Townie: move n ur ded
*townie wlks off 2 get his homies*
Greebo: cyaz i'll b bk in an hr!!! ya stupid dickhed

by greebo_aka_townie_h8a November 22, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


skater, rocker lesser emo. wears skate clothes often mistaken for emo but are generally more happy. always picked on by every chav and townie just because they have their own style and arent afraid to be indivdual!! often called "dirty goths" or "rocker scum" or "filthy mosher" and often get started on for absolutly no reason, but thats chavs !

chav 1: "oi u dirty goth what you wearin you filthy mosher !! "
Greebo: "what are you on about ?"
Chav 2: hes givin us greif blood lets get im !"
Chav 1: "wait let me light this spliff"
Greebo: walks away

by Hattie1991 April 19, 2006

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