A Green Party member believes that tree's and plants are the greatest things in the world. There are no humans, animals or bugs; just trees. Without Green Party members, there would be almost no one to make fun of. These people are so far left on the retard scale that they would kill themselves over a plant.
Also see psycho
Green Party Member: SAVE THE EARTH!
Democrat: Isn't "save" spelled saev?
Republican: God Damn retards
77👍 233👎
A Green Party member believes that tree's and plants are the greatest things in the world. There are no humans, animals or bugs; just trees. Without Green Party members, there would be almost no one to make fun of. These people are so far left on the retard scale that they would kill themselves over a plant.
Also see psycho.
Green Party Member: SAVE THE EARTH!
Democrat: Isn't "save" spelled saev?
Republican: God Damn retards
64👍 212👎
The circle of friends, no matter where, who connect on the Green Level. Thus also smoke immense amounts of Mary Jane, and usually gets the munchies.
"Mayne, lets have a Green Party and Their Associates meeting tonight. You in?"
"Of Course."
10👍 2👎
A party with weed and pills. (usually xanax)
That blue and green party is going to be hella fun.
7👍 2👎
A political party in the USA whose platform takes parts of the Libertarian party views, parts of the National Socialist views, and the environmental part of the Green party views.
Some of the points on their platform include:
1. Tax cuts for environmental objectives
2. Removal of normative objectives
3. Restore autonomy to the states
4. Reduction of legal complexity
5. Repatriation of non-Germanic populations
6. Create cultural center to oversee media
7. Reputable international politics
8. All undeveloped land is purchased by government to preserve it in it's nature state
9. Tax incentives for inner city development
10. Repeal of laws limiting citizen autonomy
11. Return to strict meritocracy in hiring and education
12. Any area more than 50% concreted must begin planting
13. End tax-free status of religious organizations
14. Certain destructive things banned
The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party advocates the death penalty for genetically modifying foods; dumping of toxic waste; child molestation or possession of child pornography; and possession of nerve toxins.
112👍 40👎
Backed by Russia, the Tea Party rose to prominence in 2008.
By December 2015, Russia had also secured the services of professional unserious candidate of the Green Party, Jill Stein.
While she claims to be representing an "environmental" Party, her record has supported Petroleum Putin as much as her MAGA Red Russian Tea Party cohorts'. Recently, these "environmentalists" couldn't even bring themselves to sanction Russian fossil fuels after Russia attacked Ukraine, and even threatened the world with a new nuclear catastrophe!
"Does that politician ACTUALLY care about the environment?"
"Naw, strictly Green Tea Party, helping the GOP keep Democrats from passing any laws to combat Global Climate Change."
39👍 13👎
A proposed federal government party of Canada that would be a merge of all Green and New Democratic Party members.
The Green Democratic Party (GDP) would have a great chance of winning the next election!
2👍 15👎