Source Code

Greensburg, PA

A small rich city located about 30 miles south of Pittsburgh, with a population of about 50,000 people living in the zip code. Most are good natured, hearty folks. Also home of the famed 14th Quartermaster. County seat.

C'mon, kids, we're going to Greensburg, PA to shop!

by dubabub February 27, 2012

7👍 12👎

Greensburg Funnel Cake

The blowing out of powdered sugar from one's butt onto another one they're trying to impress. A very backwards way of showing someone you'd like to date them.

"Dude... did you see him give her the Greensburg Funnel Cake?"

"Ya... he must really like her..."

by Funnier than your Mom November 14, 2011

2👍 3👎