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Can be used for basically anybody. Is used when saying hello, asking someone to do something, or to tell someone to calm down.

ex: 1. "Hey guy, how's it going?"

2. "Would you be a guy and go grab me a beer?"

3. "Woah, easy there guy, you need to relax."

by red mon September 9, 2014

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


One individual who seeks out the thrill of life through mediums such as inordinate amounts of coffee, unusual sexual behaviors, and loving the Bobby. In essence, a "Guy" is simply that, a guy. A guy who can take a bull by the horns and wonder how many coffees that bull has consumed that day. A guy who can wake up in the morning, stare himself down in the mirror, and tell himself "This isn't God's day, it's GUY's day."

Two guys are walking in opposite directions of each other on a sidewalk about to meet. Both guys instantly say, "Hey guy, how's it going, guy?"

by Guy Guyenstein September 22, 2011

22πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The coolest name in the world.

Hey man it's guy, that guy is so cool.

by Guy Dixon November 15, 2007

493πŸ‘ 608πŸ‘Ž


A loving, handsome, and weird (in a good way)man with lots of talent. This amazing person can make you feel like you're in heaven. He's sweet and sexy en he's going to spend the rest of his life with this girl named Marlou.

Look at that amazing boy/man! He's probably called Guy

by Hdjsk January 7, 2014

19πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


1. (pronoun): A reference term to a male, similar to man, dude, or bloke.

2. (pronoun): A womanizer that is ten times cooler then you could ever hope to be, and can make love to your girlfriend and talk you out of doing what he just did, and will make love to your girlfriend, and talk you out of doing what he just did.

3. (adjective): Extremely cool, radical, amazing.

1. That guy is an alright guy.

2. Do you see Mick over there lying naked in bed with Tony's girlfriend and Darek's Mom? He is the fucking GUY!

3. Did you hear that? That guitar solo Aaron just played was fucking GUY!

by slickmick78 March 26, 2009

34πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


Extremely intelligent,loves to read, has a wild imagination and is a total chick magnet. Stays up late to talk to the people they care about and speak with friends. Knows what to do with a women and has a sexual thought every 10 seconds. Will give up their time to help others who are in need. Has a way with words that wins over your heart and loves to write. They always talk to you no matter where they are and is always there to help or be a shoulder to cry on. They will help you through sickness and love you when in health. The best person you could ever dream of and more. If you have a Guy in your life you are very very lucky.

Guy is an amazing boy.

by Atra123 February 3, 2014

13πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


The sexiest person alive.
A guy is an alpha male and a ruler of society. They are all huge successes and are big hits with the ladies.

I’m a guy.

Dude..... that’s so cool.

by ShaggyCellar319 October 31, 2019

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž