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Bad Guy Syndrome

The uncanny ability to miss a target when firing a weapon. Usually applies to any bad guy in any action film ever made.

"Dude, the police in The Matrix had bad guy syndrome real bad. They never even touched Neo and Trinity when they were rescuing Morpheus!"

by zman21 March 4, 2012

nice guy syndrome

A nice guy is an informal term for an often young adult male who portrays himself with characteristics such as being gentle, compassionate, sensitive and vulnerable.The term is used both positively and negatively. When used positively, and particularly when used as a preference or description by someone else, it is intended to imply a male who puts the needs of others before his own, avoids confrontations, does favors, gives emotional support, tries to stay out of trouble, and generally acts nicely towards others. In the context of a relationship, it may also refer to traits of honesty, loyalty, romanticism, courtesy, and respect. When used negatively, a nice guy implies a male who is unassertive, does not express his true feelings and, in the context of dating in which the term is often used, dishonestly uses acts of ostensible friendship and basic social etiquette with the unstated aim of progressing to a romantic or sexual relationship.

nice guy syndrome: in the early 90s I had a crisis. I was about two years into my second marriage. I thought I had found the woman of my dreams. Yet I was frequently frustrated and resentful toward the woman I loved.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 1, 2019

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Nice guy syndrome

A guy who goes out of his way to prove his β€œniceness” to the world but is really just an asshole who cannot handle being told β€œno” or being rejected in any way shape of form

Guy: I’m such a nice guy you should give me a chance

Girl: no thanks I’m good

Guy: fine you deserve to die bitch! I hope you suffer endlessly I’m too good for you! You don’t deserve my love!
Girl to their friend: wow he gives off nice guy syndrome

by The trvth August 15, 2021

Little Guy Syndrome

When a small male (including, but not limited to humans) has an issue with the rest of society because society tends to look down (literally and figuratively) on small people. Little Guy Syndrome (also: Little Man Syndrome) gives the "infected" person a aggressive attitude and thinks he some kind of "playground Muhammad Ali," and can beat everyone up.

NOTE: Not all small male humans, dogs, etc. have Little Guy Syndrome. And oddly enough, legitimate midgits tend not to have Little Guy Syndrome because they've already accepted the fact that they'll be forever short.

Example 1: The worst time a human male can have Little Guy Syndrome is when he's a point guard in basketball. Take Raquel for example. Raquel would have an amazing shot, but the fact that he's hardly five feet makes his shots get destroyed everytime he takes a contested shot. This makes him go berserk and act like he got fouled. Then when the ref tells him to calm down because he didn't get fouled, Raquel goes more insane and fouls everyone trying to steal the ball. He should /really/ see someone for his Little Guy Syndrome.

Example 2: I hate that damn woofy dog next door. It's got the worst Little Guy Syndrome. Everytime I step outside -even if it's only to take out the garbage- the thing goes nuts and tries to attack me until it's leash yanks it back.

by Carrera's Wedge May 30, 2007

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Nice Guy syndrome

A disease in which a socially awkward, unattractive, and hygenicly-repulsive male with a terrible personality feels victimized by women when they don't want to date him. Said male comes to believe all women are 'sluts' who want or deserve to be raped and killed, or, in its milder form, spawns the evil known as 'pick up artists'. It has no known cure.

No, he's just having a flareup of his Nice Guy syndrome.

by saraiya April 13, 2011

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"kiss this guy" syndrome

A disorder believed to be the cause of misheard song lyrics.

by Cimmerian Southpaw October 13, 2003

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hott guy syndrome

noun - a typical male "illness" in which the cute male is very sweet and caring at first but then turns and is a complete asshole.

Angie - Man, Jeff used to be really cool and sweet and loving, but now it's like I don't even know him anymore.

Julie - Yeah, he sounds like he's got himself the Hott Guy Syndrome.

by Daygona November 5, 2007

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