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When your raped, murdered and dismembered in the name of Islam

We hamassed all the Jews we could find.

by All the truth May 29, 2024

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Brutally attacked at home.

I was sitting at home when I was hamassed. I still have the wounds.

by Communicat January 10, 2024


When someone attacks you and blames you for it.

Nate stole Jack’s weed and blamed him for leaving it out. Jack got hamassed

by Mistermanoriginal January 10, 2024


Remember when the world quickly bought into Hamas's claim of 500 deaths within an hour due to an alleged rocket strike on a hospital—quite a contrast to the slow truth unfolding in the Florida building collapse aftermath. Turned out it was a Jihad rocket fired from the cemetery near the hospital that misfired and landed in the parking lot of the hospital killing 25. ( 20 times less )

You have to be a complete and utter moron to believe Hamas when they tell you how many people die in Gaza and how many Israeli solgiers ( 13000 according to them ) were killed.

Now when you speak to a complete and utter moron, someone who can be easily manipulated or fooled, someone whose last two brain cells are on strike, you can say to them: you have been 'Hamassed'

Now when you speak to a complete and utter moron, someone who can be easily manipulated or fooled, someone whose last two brain cells are on strike, you can say to them: you have been 'Hamassed'

by Lightamongdarkeness February 10, 2024


When your wife has been raped, children burnt alive, aunt kidnapped, uncle murdered and the world accuses you of massacre.

"For a moment I thought I was being hamassed, my children had disappeared, my house burnt down and my wife had gone missing."

by Troilus January 16, 2024

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Raping, kidnapping and torturing people and convincing young, over-educated morons it’s cool to support this. Synonym- gaslighting and lying

He hamassed people into thinking it’s okay to rape women

by Not an asshole December 28, 2023


When the loser tries to get a shot in, and ends up losing again tenfold

Freaking Nancy at work is the worst employee and asked for a raise. The boss laughed and gave her a smaller office and the better employee a raise. Nancy got Hamassed

by Readysetty888 January 17, 2024

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