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Hannah Montana

1. An extremely idiotic teenager who thinks she has some sort of talent. Talent and Hannah Montana do not belong in the same sentence ules you're being sarcastic, tricking someone, or sayings she's got none.
2. Feces with a blonde wig on.
3. An insult for one with a large bottom or just an insult in general.

1. "Dude, you sing like Hannah Montana! Shut the heck up!" Mike said to his ex-.
2. "Yeah, well atleast I flush the toilet when I do a Hannah Montana!" Jane screeched back.
3. "Jane's such a big fat Hannah Montana!" Mike shreiked back.

by Wingedmushroom44 March 25, 2009

120๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

A species of naked mole rats, commonly found in garbage cans and on Disney Channel.

girl: Did you see that Hannah montana?
boy: Yeah that thing was ugly

by vaginal blood fart May 1, 2008

103๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

The girl who single-handedly ruined Disney for those of us who grew up watching The Lion King and Aladdin and pretty much everyone over the age of 13.

16 year old watching current Disney Channel: Man, remember when Disney was actually good?
Other 16 year old: Yeah....What is happening to the world
16 year old's 12 year old sister: OMG what r u guys talking about? Hannah Montanas great and the jonas brothers are so hawt!
16 year old: You cast the dark stole of dishonor upon our family. I disown you as a sibling. Never address me in public again.

by irritated with tweens April 9, 2009

64๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

Possibly the stupidest thing ever to hit TV. Some mainstream Disney Channel shit. It stars some hick girl with split personality disorder that forces her to magically become, drumroll please, HANNAH MONTANA! oh my god! Plus, she's only famous because her hick daddy has some money for her own series.

aka, only 10 year olds like her.
she's going to become the next Lindsay Lohan, just watch.

10 year old girl: OH MAY GAWD, THERES A NEW EPISODE OF HANNAH MONTANA ON TONIGHT! Who wants to watch it with me lololol?

by I HATE Hannah Montana February 17, 2008

267๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

Disney Channel show about a Scitzophrenic teen who by day is an average girl with shitehawk southern accent but by night is a world famous singer hidden by a dodgy wig.

Person: Do you like Hannah Montana?
Me:(wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt) What do you fucking think?

by Uncle Ernie March 15, 2008

100๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

the girl who wears wigs,sorta looks like a hooker,claims to live in "two worlds"

"you know hannah montana rite?"
"yeh the hooker"

by loser4life October 14, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

a terrible, unfunny, lameass, suck show on Disney Channel that is about a 16 year old whore who can't sing or act and has the worst fake accent ever. She puts on a wig and everyone become retarded and can't reconize its the same 16 year old whore who can't sing or act and has the worst fake accent ever that is in their high school. She is accompanied by her totally retarded brother who I hate, and her idiot father who wrote a one hit wonder that isn't even good. The only good person on the show is the hot friend Lily.

Hannah Montana is really the Devil.

by Mr. Zimpy November 23, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž