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the most amazing girl in the world
could not ask for anyone better
i love her with all my heart
she is awesome, cute, beautiful,
and is very sexy.
no one can compare to her.

she is such a harley

by your best bf(: September 12, 2011

285πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž


Barely a proper fit lad who has a massive willy about 78ft long and has a 10 pack and would leather jay

β€œDid you see that Harley he’s well tough”

by Bigmanfieldsy February 5, 2019

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful girl on the face of the Earth.
Her icy blue eyes make your heart melt and her perfect smile and giddy laughter will make you happy no matter what.
Harley cares about everything, no matter how much she might deny it.
You just can't help but fall in love with her.

"You seem really happy today. What's up?"
"I've been talking to Harley all day. (:"

by bleeblob June 3, 2009

1178πŸ‘ 690πŸ‘Ž


Harley is a name and an adjective to describe someone or something that is angelic and pure. Harley’s are always loved, they are eternal and omnipotent. They are often leaders.

Wow is that Harley? She’s an angel!

That’s so Harley! I love it!

by stoplott October 31, 2018

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a motor vehicle that is loud, but not fast

a motor vehicle that sounds like it is going like hell, but isn't

Guy #1 "Did you hear that shit box Camaro go by?"

Guy #2 "I sure did, it was running like a Harley."

by Q-City Wordsmith June 16, 2009

910πŸ‘ 611πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful brunette girl known to have big boobs or a big ass. She's amazing in so many ways and she can put the biggest smile upon your face! Some underestimate her talents, she's an excellent dancer and she is really good at Volleyball. She has a big smile and a big heart! Her only weakness is showing her spouse/partner how much she cares for them. She's amazing in bed & just like a Harley Davidson Motocycle she's LOUD!

Mike: Did you see that new girl?
Daniel: Yeah, she's brunette & has big boobs? I think she's a Harley!

by JuJubean March 13, 2012

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A strong, caring boy, he has a lot of friends. Very talented. Extremely hot too. You may fall for him, but soon after you see him as your best friend.

1. I used to like my best friend, Harley a lot, but now we're just friends.

by Skyla Jackson December 29, 2014

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž