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Harry Maguire

worst defender in foot ball of all times , Harry maguire is always a joker . He is some one who cannot even tackle the ball from a 6 year old and can score own goals from any angles . Despite that , he still thinks of himself of a god of defence . Harry Maguire is in love with prisons of greece after he was jailed there

Harry maguire : I can tackle the ball from anyone

next match...
He loses the ball to everyone

by 1234567878900chdjswx February 19, 2023

Harry Maguire

The definition of a Goat

truly the best football player of all time

person 1:"do you know Harry Maguire scored 800 goals against man utd"
person 2:"wow he's such a goat what team does he play for"
Person 1:"man utd"

by AndrewTate Love child/husband January 3, 2023

Harry Maguire

A fucking fridge twat that need to be sold now I don't know how to describe how shit he is doesn't know what he is doing lost on the pitch cots pennies. Moves like a fucking double decker metal truck know for his signature move no look defending.

MU Fan: Our defence is perfect.
City Fan: Perfect in a fucking kitchen both a fridge and freezer or just call him Harry Maguire

by Lukasalegend May 4, 2022

4👍 6👎

Harry Maguire

Greek fridge, always looking to kick team mates and blame others for being fat and lazy. He is the definition of a fat fridge. This fridge has cost 80M for moneychester united.

Can you close the Harry Maguire after you've finished eating, I don't want the food to go bad...

by dasdasddsadasd August 19, 2022

2👍 4👎

Harry maguire

A fridge/freezer, a harry maguire is often known for his shit defending. Harry Maguire's are also not very fond of Greek culture

God hes so wank at football, must be a harry maguire!

by LĂŞ Masturbator August 26, 2020

78👍 9👎

harry maguire

a retard that defames manchester united by scoring own goals and overall he plays like his brain is missing

if harry maguire played during the sir alex era, his contract would've been terminated mid season

by ih8footy June 16, 2023

Harry Maguire

The Goat of football 🐐. People say that Jude bellingham or vini jr should win the ballon d'or BUT NO, the real goat Harry Maguire is the one who deserved it all along.

1: "tf are you even blabbering about the real goat of football are penaldo and pessi"
2: "stfu the real goat is Harry Maguire and if you don't agree then leave my house RIGHT NOW"

by Pessidoggyispinished July 12, 2024